Szo ( Ephefrans, Chap.q.. V E RA. Doti. withhardneffe ofheart, a blind mind, .4f-ewe ofGads grace, read ncffeto Hardnetfeof all evill. Whencewe fee, thatfinnesgee not alone,ofedgily hardneffe heart is accom- ! heart, but one followeth on the neckeof another. As in the body if panicd with Ya niany evils. the ltomach doe not his office, thehead will be the worfe, the liver cannot doehis part, many evills are coupled one to another: i in the foule, &c. For finne hath more confederations then one, for it is not onely an offence, buta punifhment offome former, a delèrt of fu- ture finne, as a juft recompence of reward, Rom, r. a8. .-.1s they re- 2 The. garded notto knew God,fe godgave them up to a reprobate mink, Becaufe 11.13. they received not the truth with love, Godgave tbemuptofirengdelufions to beleeve lyes, that they might be damned. vie. Wherefore it troth behove us to take heede of hardneffe of heart, as which bath attendingupon it aworldofevill : And if weTooke a- bout well, we !hall, finde that we have all of us toomuch of it. What makcthus fo little affeaed when wefee the heaven,and the earth with Signcs which the furniture ofthem, that we praife not, feare not him whofe good- hardneifcoft neffe and power is manifefted in theme if we fee a Lyon in the Tower, heart more or or form ftrange creature, we will talke of it; this is a hardneffe of heart. What makethus heare of judgements, as theplague dcftroying thoufands weekely, thefeinundations, ftrange and prodigious appari- tions in the ayre, andbe no whit moved? it is the hardneffe ofour hearts.Pbaraohregarded not fomany perfonall judgements ofGodup- on him, becaufe his heart was hardened. What maketh us whenwe havegood purpofes in afllidions, not to performe them! it is the hardneffeofheart, by reafon whereof we are the old men when the rod is of, Exod. 9. What dotti make us when the Word commeth neereus, that we difcerne it to meete with us, what maketh that it go. eth away with generali termes, Lord have mercyon usehe tellsus the truth, but the hardneffe of heart, this doth caufc it to drop off, and not enter, as the rocke doth fhooteoffwater. What maketh us heare the curfe againfi finneand never tremble what maketh us heart the promifes and never clafpe themwith joyfulneffe, but hardneffe of hearta Finally, when our foules have juif caufc tohumble themfelves and feeke to God, what maketh us flip the collar and turne afide to thisor that, but hardneffc of heart as the Apoftle maketh impeni- tencie tocome from this ground, Rom. 2.5. Thou after thy hardnefre anda heart thatcannot repent, treafterefup to tby felfe wrath again!! the How to get it day of wrath. Now then what mutt wedoe? vinfw. Wemuttdeale cured. for our foules as we doe for our bodies; if one fhould affure us that wehave the fione bred, nay a fpice of ir, we wouldclenfe our kidnies quickly: So nowwe tell youthat youhave the Icon in the heart,how thnuldyou pray againft it a feeke to the healingGod that healeth dour rebellions, and laveth sesfreely, ply him with his promife, that bath faid, Eiecks rag. Iwilltake away the heart of f one, andgiveyep a heart offlelt . Take heeds of it, if Goddid punifhitin the heathen that refitted by meanes of it but the light ofnature, howwilll he punith it inyou that !hall refift the lightof theglorious Gofpell of Jefus Chrift. Vuesi