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V g R. 19. Epbefianr; Chap. + VERSE t9. Which being pall feeling have given themfelvcs wantonnefe, to worke all uncleaneneffe, evenwith greedineffe.. The third thing followeth, that they were without feeling, or griefe as theOriginal! word is. To underftand it, you mutt know that the fiaule lath afaculty whichwecall [Confcicnce] which loth beam f ecordwhat we doe, and give fentence excufng, or accufing, accor- ding tochenature of the fail: the excufing, breedeth joy, sheaccu- fng confcience begettethgriefe : now thefe being without the light of knowledge, and being hardened that they could not feele the checkeof Confcience in that theydid know,carne to be remorfeleffe after r heir wickedneffe: which doth teach us, How blind- hearted men are affcaed after theirfinne, they are voydofgriefe in the midll oftheir wickedneffe. This is not the(late of every finner, but of one that is fmittcn,through the defersof his former floues, with £carefull blind- neffe, and more then ordinary hardneffe of heart : this we fee, Prcv. a. 13, 14. They turne from the wayes of innocencie and rejoyce when theyhave done evil!, the wickedmake but a fportto have corn-, mined finne, ler. 8. 12. Were they áfhamed when they had committed their abominations nay they were not afbamed,neither could they have any flame. And thus Pfau whenhe had molt prophanely foldhis birth- right, he went his way, it is Paid, and de/pifed his birthright. The Con- Icence is as the eye, ir is a molt tender parr, feeling griefe from the leafs offence, but ifa hard fleshdoth overgrow it, of all the parts it is molt infenfible ; fo men that have had fome feeling inConfcience, if once they 1er it be covered with hardneffe of heart, they will bee voydof feeling, they will notbe ashamed to carry their (Miles in their face likeSodom. This therefore being the guile of defperate finners, muff make us take heede of this effareof Confcicnce, when we cannow timewith. outbeing pricked after ir. Let us therefore take up griefe for our day. lyoffences, for cuftome in finne taketh away the feeling of it, and letting finnepaffe without griefe, we fhall hardly be able to grieve when wewould. Itreacheth us, that whenwe feeleour Confcience upbraid us, and carafe us griefe, in fuch things as many feelenot; we mutt not miflike this, for it is the worke of the holy Ghoft in us, this convincing tes of finne, and thus .David. his heart frmote him whenhe hadnumbred thepeo. pie; when he had cut ofthe lapof Sault garment; when he had finned, hisfinne was alwayesbefore him : thus Peter, he went out andwept bitter- ly : thus thepenitent Corinthian when excommunicate, did fo grieve that therewas contrary medicine applyed, left he Amid be framed sip withgriefe. IThe fourth thing is the Confequence of this, when they had loft this Ringof Confcience, they did runne upon all kinde of wicked- neffe: whence Obferve, That a man will not flicke to commit anyevill that bath no reflraint inConfcience : thus when the Phatifees had refi- tted the holy Ghoft awhile, they grew hardhearted and fenfelefl'e,and Z 7. went 521 áatAyireSvte Confcience and the wo:kc ofit. Dail. , Hardhearted men haveno feeling orgrief fer sheer fins, Vie r: Such an cflate is to be feared. 2. It is good to have our con- (dente checke us. Joh. r6.8. Pfal. yr. 3. Matz6. 75. z Cor. r. Doti. An hardhear- ted man trill flieke at no finne. Ir