52,1 Ephefiani, Chap.+. V R R. I9. went out of one finne into another, murder, hypocrifie, bribing, ly- ing, what not! the entring into finne, is as the wife man fpcaketh of one finne, viz, thefinne of contention, Prov. 57. 14. It is as the ope- ningofwaters, the pullingup offluces,or breaking down dams, which letreth inwaters that overflow all: fo finne whenonce it hath prevai- led topull up this floodgate, to take away the feelingof the Confci- ence, it doth let in floodsof iniquity,the finnes thefe heathendid break into, as Rom. r. And the things the ftory mentions, as the feaftsof Bac- cue, as theRomans alto at the folemniticsof their goddeffeBona,were fuch ascannot honeftly be named. And thereforeit is good,feeing finne isas the openingof waters, to doe as the wife man counfclleth, ftay, breake off, ere it beginneth, or at leaft in its beginning. For that which is eafily (by Gods grace) fubducd when firft it fpringeth our, will when it hath got head,prove unconquerable. Principes ohfia, withftand and refiff the firft motions and beginnings of fin,kill it in the egge,leftit become a cockatrice. ßut two things more mutt be marked, which open the manner of their finning. 1. Theygave themfelves to ir. z. They did it greedily. Whence marke, Inwhat manner the unregenerate doefume, they finne, yeelding them. felvesfervants tofinne. For though thefe did it in a higher degree, even fold themfelves to all filthineffe, yet to give themfelves up to finne in finning, is common roall in forcemeafure that have not the fpirit ofChrift. 1. I will prove ir. 2. Shew you how thefegave up themfelves, Peeing it is Paid, Rom. 1. z5. Godgave them up. 3. ShewtheUfeofit. For the firft, the Apoftle Rom. 6. 53. giveth us to underftand, how that till grace changeus, we doe yeeldourfelves up as vaffals to finne; it is fet up in us as a Kingwhich raigneth and hash obedience from us, for bynature we are fervants offin : vi man isafrvant tothat he obey- eth (faith Paul) anda man isa fervant to that ofwhich heis overcome : Now we obey finne and are overcome of ir, till by Chrift we are freed : and this is not fo in thegodly; for they finneindeede, but they give notthemfelves to ir, they admit it as a ferongufurper, they doe not obey it as a lawful! Commander over them. For the fecond, the Anfwer of it is in opening thefe two things : r . How farre forth God givethmen up. 2. How thefe gave themfelves up. For the better conceivingGods giving menup to finne, you muff know that finne hath a double Confideration. r. As it is a breach ofGods Law,thus he no way doth giveup to it, but hateth it. z. As finne is a punifhmentofformer limes, and bath theconfide - rationof a fpirituall judgement, thus God Both effeétually deliver up to n(. Stop finnein thebeginning. Doll. unregenerate mengive them (elves to finne. e Pet. a. /9. But not Co the godly. A twofold confideration offinne.