E R. 19. Epbe ans, Chap. q... 523 to it; as for Example: The execution of a malefac}or, juftly con- Goa ð demned by a maliciousexecutioner : the death of this party, as it is men up to it malicioufly effecîed by the headfman, is murder in him, that the asitisapn- Judge willeth not : the deathofhim fo farre as it is ajut recompenfe nilhment. ofhis wickedneffe, is the workeof j uftice, comming from the Judge : fo finne ' as itis a branchof the Commandement in men (whom God maketh byhis unfpeakeable power their owne doomefinen) is not of God : as it is a juft recompenfe offormerwickedneffe, he that is the Judge of all the world, doth inf1id it and effeétually bring it about. Now then finne thus confidered, God doth give up to it 3. wayes. And that three z. By withdrawing himfelfe, and leaving men to themfelves, i1tl. wayes. 14. x6. He left the Gentiles to their ownewayes. 2. God prefenting Soveraigne things to finfull men, even from fuch things alfo their corruption takerhoccafion to frnne, though the things be good in themfelves, as hisWord, his workes of mercy and ofjudgement; I will lay /tumbling blacker before this people, ier. 6.2 z. What then doth God layfumbling blockstomake men offend by No,he layette thi to promotehis j of judgements;for as fin is fin,he no waycan tempt or provoke unto it, lams. z4. But every man is tempted whenhe isdraweeawayofhisowne coneupifcence and is enticed. objet!. Yet God doth feethat man willfinneuponfuch things. tilnfw. Forefight of things caufeth not things : awife Father fore- Goa forefeeth fecth that alewd childewill come to thçgallows, he doth not caufeit. the but is Secondly, though God forefeeth that aman will finne, yet he is not of i saute the caufe of his finne, becaufe hedothnot intend finne, but executing his Spirituali judgement. Thus the Phyfitianforefeeththat he cannot fo purge out a malignant humour, but he flail take with it fomething that isgood, fo that hecannot retore a man and profit him, but hee !ball in part hurt him; yet the Phy fidanwhen he healeth,is not faid to hurt, becaufe this, though it goeth together, yet it is not intended by him. So, &c. 3. God doth give fuch (inners into more full power of the devil(, who is effeCuall in the tonnes of difobedience; for the Devil( is Gods torturer. Now they gave up themfelves, becaufe God doth worke his workes, fo as in the meane while, he letteth us worke ours alfo: They then gave up themfelves, Nowmenwive z. In that their former frnnes defervedthefe, up themfelves 2. In that theyvoluntarily did commit them, not admit them to finne. unwillingly. Now then toreturn to the doótrine. Thisdothgive usto fee what pre a. is theefate of many; theymay hence know themfelves not to be re- generate, nor in Chrift, if they doe willingly, when they finne, yeeid unto it. 2. It doth alfo let us fee how the wicked (whatever the blind rea- fonof manmay fay) are altogether without excufe, becaufe they fin wilfully,yeelding themfelves to it. The a. thing they did itgreedily; which doth teachus, TOa finne is Z z 2 AN