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124 Doff, &inne is an unfatiable thing. Dem.zg. tq. rye r. 2. Ero.14.3 z. Rom. 6. VERS. 20. Doti. True learning of Chrift will not Rand with worldly con- verfarion. n Pct. L. t0. Tit.z. 11,1z. Ephefians Chap. q.. Vaa.2o.! an unfatiable thing; r, drawethmen atlength to begreedily addit1ed to it Efay 5. 18. They drawfinneforwardwith Cords of vanity, Jer.6.8.They went to their courfisao ahorf to the battaa. This is threatned under the termes of adding drunkennes to thirfl;for it is as a dropfe that the more we drinke of it, the more we thirft after ir. Therefore we mull ferve it as we doe agues, give it not that it cra- veth, for that is the next way to be rid ofit. Seeing finners are thus hot in following finne, it muff teach us to take occafion to purfue diligently after righteoufneffè; then wee makegood ufe of viewing thefieldofthefluggard; if they ferve the de- vil! in fo ill a worke, and for fo ill wages, how then fhould we ferve Godin righteoufne fe, eheend whereof is everlafting life? VERSE 2o. But ye have not fo learned Chrifl. Now the Apoftle removeth thefe things from thefe Ephefians to the 25. verfe. r. He denyeth them of thofe that had learned Chrift. 2. Heexcepteth orputteth in a caution,how he wouldbecon- ceivedofwhatkinde of learning hewouldbe underftood; if you have learned Chrifi as the truth is in Chrifi, that is, as the true being, or as thofehave learned himwho are truely in Chrift, not in Phewand profeffion onely. 3. He expoundeth what he meaneth by thiskinde oflearning, viz. fuch learning, as goeth with true fanétification ofus; which hath z. parts fet downe. t. Our Mortification. 2.Our Regeneration. Firfi we fee in this 20. verfe, hedoth oppofe the learningofChrift to theblindneffe, hardneffeof heart, Tufts ofthe Gentiles, as a thing which would not ftand withthem; which doth let us fee; That the knowledgeofChrifl will net handwith worldly converfation : you have not thus learned Chrift; as if he fhould fay, if you have learned Chrift as you ought, youhave not to doe anymore with thefewayes, z Pet.z.2o. this is made an effeEt that followeth on knowing our Savi- our Chrift,We efcapefrom thelilthineffeof the world : and he thatlear- neth thatthe grace hringeth salvation, it will teach himto denyangod- lineffeand worldly lufts, and to live godly and foberly and righte- oufly in this prelent world. For looke as when the funne rifeth, the darkeneffc is difperfed; So when this funne of righteoufneffe doth rife in our hearts,the darkeneffeof finne will be difperfed inus. Wherefore fuch as with their learning let no lelfe on the fcoreof luft thenheretofore,they have not as yet learned Chrift as theyought; What communion hath Chrift and wickednef a if ever thou hadit rightly learned Chrift, it would teach thee to abhorre thy former finfull tufts, they would not have that vigour and ftrcngth that was ufuall, but the power ofthem isweakned and over- ruled. And thou (halt find fomething now-thatwas not in theebefore: So that though thou deeft evill,yet not fo much as thou didlt before,and thou dolt the good thou didit not before. Thouwilt be of another mind thenhere- tofore