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526 Ephefians Chap. 4. VsR.22. Pr. Wee inufi la- bourfor the fpirituall. Doe. Chrift oncly can teach us inwardly by his Spirit. Afts x6.14. 41at.z;.8. Yfe. er.31 S.f. VERS. 22. Deli. They have truly learned Chrift who ate truly fandi- fied. Gal r.aa, z Cor. r. r r. Phil,;,to. This therefore being fo , it behovethus not to content our felves withevery learning, or knowledge, but toget this lively knowledge. What good doth that knowledge which affeetethnot the heart to o- bedience+ it maketh us bebeaten with many ftripes, aswho know the will ofour Mafter and doe it not. Let us knowheavenly things as we doe earthly, for the end of our knowledge in them is adtion;If I know this or that to be good forme, I will get it. If I know fire touched will hurt me, I will notcome necre ir. Here altomuff be marked,who doth teach us this true knowledge ; Ifyee have heard him and have been taught by him, i.e. Chrift. Whence obferve, Though we havemany leachers , yet it is Chrift hirrifelfe that teachtth us inwardly and(lethally by the Spirit : Thefe Ephefians hadPaul and other ordinaryTeachers, yethe that taughtthem that effetfuall lear- ning is laid to be Chrift t The voyceoftheSon o fGod is it that doth?wife us up from the death offin, to the life of righteoufncffe.Chrift opened the heart of Lydia, that is, did reach her inwardly , when Patel did teach her outwardly. AndLuke 24.32. He opened the underflandings ofhis Difciples, andmade their hearts to burnewithin them. Weare but pety Ufhers, it is Chrift that is the chicle Scheolemafter in this fchoole, he is the Doelor of the chaire, whom we muft heare, before we can learne any thing to purpofe; One isyour Dotlor,even Chrift. Paulmay plant, andApollos may water , it is God taely thatgiveth en- creafe. Wherefore this doth warneus whom wee fhould feeke when wee come to be taught, we muft feeke Chrift in the Temple. And becaufe that men feeke not this Teacher,thereforethey are Idoli hearers,have eyes and feenot, cares and heare not, for they lift not up their foules tohave him teach them, who is the Eyeofthe blinde, the tongue of the dumb, thecare ofthe deafe. And the ratherwe mufifeeke tohim becaufe this is a thing promifed tous, ve fhall be all taught ofGod. , Whereforewe muff fay to Chrift with the Church, when we come to the Aflembli s, Lord letasfee thy face and heart thy voyct, for this voyce is Tweet, thy voyce is pleafaut. VERSE 22. That le % that ye cafe ofconcerning the eonverfation i, timepaft, the old man, which is corrupt through thedeceivable lofts. Now hee commeth toexplaine who they are that have learned Chrift as thetruth is inChrift, Poch as are fanBtified, that is, mortified in regardof finfull lufts,and quickned to righteoufneffe and holineffe. Whence two things are to be marked in general' before we come to the particularconfiderations. I. Who they are that have truly learnedChrift, theythat are truly fan- Rifted through the Spirit of Chrift ; They whofefinne bath received a deadly wound,whofefoules are regenerate. Gal. 5.22. They that are Chrifis, havecrucified the flelhwith the lollsthereof. And as this place fheweth death to frnne to follow upon being inChrift, fothe Apoftle tcllethus, that whofoever is in Chrift ti a newcreature. And the Apoftle maketh thisthe true knowledgeofChrift to know experimentally the vertue