ITT s R. Z2. Ephefianr, Chap. 4. venireofhisdeath working in us, and the power ofhis refurrettien. And therefore noneare truly, I mean inwardly by the Spirit,baptized into Chrift, but that the deathofChrift dothmake them dyecofin,and his life doth makethem rifeto righteoufneffe. For we cannot get faith, which is the learningofChrift, and fo be coupled toour Head, but we !halldye and live with him. Even as a naturall head when it is ftricken from the body, all the members dye withit, and while it isquickned (ifnothing withftand) they live with it: So it is with this head myfticall , his railing was ours , his death ours, and accordingly is made manifeft in us from the time we know him effe&ually.- Letevery man therefore examine himfelfe whether he bath truly vfe learned Chrift, by this courfe, if his knowledge leadeth him to fancti- fication through the Spirit ofChrift, itis well withhim : But ifother- wife, hisknowledge ofChrift is made a pack-horfe for his finne , or hathgoing with it an appearance and chow that wanteth the powerof godlineffe, let himnot rejoyce nor lye againft himfelfe, he bath not learned Chrift. Owofull condition ! Knewyou not that ifChrift OCO `;6;'s lethnot inyou, you are difallewedof God ? His wrath abidethoveryou. a. It is to be marked that firft he fettethdowne thekilling of fin, then our new life; whence we marke, That whofeever willcometo true Doff. holineffe mu(1firftbegin with removing his corruption : though in time ruehotinelfe thefegoc together, and fo far as wee get emptiedoffin, wee grew w hp ; °ßg. tobe filledwith holineffe ; yet for nature , there muff be a departing away coreap- fromthe evill we are in,before we canbe clothed with righteoufneffe: C1On^ Ifwe be like Chrift in dyingto fin, as he dyed for the abolifhingofit, then we (ball be like him in life, fothe Apofle faith, Rom.6.3. Ifwebe gratedwith him to the fimilitude ofhis death, fo!hall we beto thefimili- Rom.t.3; tideofhis refurretlion. And the Prophets calling us to newneffe of life, bid us firft forfake our old evill wayes, Ceafe from evill, put away your iniquitiesfrommyfight, and learn to doe good. Locke as it is in Efay apparell, wee muff firft put offanold fuitebefore we can draw on a new : So thefe rags of finne mull be put off beforewe can puton the robes ofrighteoufnefle. Nay till we takethiscourfe, grace will not grow inus; as ifone plough not up his ground , kill the weeds and cleare it, feed will not profper : So till the ground of our hearts bee broken up and weeded out, grace will not thrive in them. Which is to be marked , for many begin at the wrongend , letting HIupon a kind ofnew life as they deeme it, before they have labou- oft gotto red to put offtheir inward corruption ;they deceivethemfelves, when wrong ÿ now they have Tome good purpofeand meaning, and like of this and his tak not that which they could not brooke heretofore , they thinke all well , though they never fearch their hearts, never have groaned under the burthen of their hidden corruption , never truly haveleft their old converfation; thefe mutt turne back againe, or that will befall them that Both thefe forward fprings when they let in before the winter bathhad hiscourfe,they have a cooler oftheir forwardneffe: Sothefe lea e- 527