5z8 ( E'phefion, Chapo4. E R.2z Deli. Buch as rein Chrift mutt put off their whole old nature. T. What it to put offthe oldman. Rom.ó.6. Col.;.;. n C01.7. I. Rota., nu. 2. Theway how he is to be pue off. Jer.; t.;;: Ezek.;ó.xf. Thedegrees of it. YR. A man cannot be in ChitR who feelechno change in himfclfe. x C or.t.t7. leape-Chriftians, that leape over this winter -like worke of mortifica- tion, will have after_claps that (hall nip all their overhafty procee- dings. A building reared upon old ftuds will not Rand , no more will there femblances of holinefle that are reared upon unrepented corruption. Nowfor the particulars, this 22.verfe fetteth downe threethings : r. The duty it felfeofmortification, Put off the oldman. 2. The manner, Put him offconcerning the converfation which ye hadin him, for this is all one with col. 3.9. Put of the old man with all his works. 3. The defcriptionofthis oldman which is to be put offfrom this that he is corruptedby deceivable lulls. Firft then we fce, That rich are in Chrifi mull not put ofthe out. wardfhow, and inpart , but the inward whole man ofcorruption , theold man, that is, the old qualityofour whole nature mull be laidglide. Touching this three things : s. What it is toputoffthe old man. a. Howwe come to put him off. 3. What degrees wegoo by. To put off, is not to layafide athing for a time and take it up again, for fo too manyput off finne, as appeareth, which at night they lay afide and take up in the morning; but this loth note all one thing with thofe phrafes, Tocrucifie theflefh, Tomort Je ourearthly members, Topurgee out all corruption of flefhandfirit, To offer upour(elves afacri- free : So to put off, is to forfake anddye toour corruptions. Now theway to put offthefe luftsis, T. To geta fight ofthem by the Law, Forby the Lawcommeth the knowledgeoffinne, Rom.7. Wee muff therefore by the benefitof thisglaffe fee our corruptions, that we mayafter- wards caff them from us. 2. Weemuff groane repentantly under the burthenof them ; and like as pores are to thebody, by which hurcfull humors are evacuate, fo are thefe fights and penitent teares ofre- pentanceto the foule, for the life of fin doth evaporate and breathe outbythem. 3. We muff by faithhold the promifcof God, whobath pro- mifed to fanatic us, towrite his Lawesin our hearts, topure out cleanewaters ,andwa/h itsfrom doterfilthineffe : We are like children, we cannot make our felves ready, neither put offnor on, unleffe our Father doch help us. 3. For thedegrees; here we doe it in part, in heavenwee (hallbee cleanerid ofall corruption. Now thiscloth convince too many that theyarc not in Chrift, for they are the old men, no changelings,as themfelves will affirme. De- ceive not thy felfe, doe not thinke thou art in Chrift , if thou finder( thou artnet is new creature; wherever Chrift is made righteoufneffe,he is made fandification, his blood bath not onelypower to take away the-