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V II R. 22. Ephefanr, Chap. q.. 124 theguilt offin, but topurge our confciences from dead works. Thou mutt fidecorruption deftroyed; you cannot have twocontraries to- gether, as heat and cold, health and fickneffe , in what meaftire the one commeth in, the other is weakned ; It is impoffible a man fhould be in Chrift and not have his old lofts mortified. Ifyou be in Chrift, regenerated and made a new creature, then you muff pull downe all that is old, for whatever is old muti be rejedcd , a man muff bee in every thing otherwife then he was before : fo that thou muff fay, I had filch a lu(f, I had delight in fuch and Inchcompany, but now the Lord Jefus Chrift liveth inme, now I am a member of Chrift , I muff bid adue to all my former lugs ofvanity. Itdoth detelt fuch notto be in Chrift, whoonely look to reforme r(e2. a little oftheir outward converfation, but never put offthe inner man No hewho ofcorruption within them : they are angry for this or that deed more whatrefor- exorbitant , but they repent not of that Leprofie wherewith their nterh his Dili_ whole nature is infested : Now Pochperlons arc like the Snakes that ward courte. caft their coate, but keep their flingand poyfon : Whereas the godly they do put offthat which compaffeththem about, The Law ofevil! rcon,.7- that rebellethagainft the LawofGod,in their minds .andaffeílions. Such as put offbyhalves (like Herod) this or that leffe needful' vfe 3, member as it were, thisor that fin they donot much carefor, but they Notwho is put not offthe wholeman, which is herecommanded. For the godly buI efocn ed man though he finde all evill prefent , yet he difalloweth and turneth from allofit in his fpirit. objet1. You will fay, This is impoiilible, then wee fhould have no fine. vinfw. Thoumuff hate all, flrive again(l all; Sin may be in thee as a chide crept in,but itmuff be refilled; and therefore let them think of it,that ftoppage is nopayment; fuchas would doeTome things,that they maynot doe others : the whole man muff be turned to the Lord; this the Lord complayned of, ler.3. r o. They turned to me, but not with their wholeheart, but fainedly. If thou findeft any thing wherein thou art willingto take liberty to thy fclfe , certainly thou art as yetanold man. As concerningthe oldman.] Obf. That whofoever cloth trrily put of Dori. theirinwardcorruption, wii,and muß likewife pmt away evilconverfati. fo piles,: on. Whofoever purgeth the heart will purge the hand likewife. How off,nwaron d cor can wethat aredead tofin liveyet therein ? How can we that haveput mileputoff off our corruption converfe after it ± The old man and hit works mußbe '' eviti put oftogether; for mencannot put offtheir fin, while they put not off Ró';6;. the works ofit, no more then mencan quench fire , while they bring co1.3.;. flore of fuel'to the fire : and men cannot put offthe inward corrupti- on,nor crucifie this, but they !hall likewife crucifie the conlierfation ofit. As aman that cutteth down the tree, killeth the fruiteof the tree info doing. Whichdoth convince fuch prefumptuous ones asfeare not to bee'Yfe. lyers againftthemfelves, whowill boaft oftheir hearts as good,While their