1\TEx, 21. phefan.r,Chap.4. we might come to a new more glorious condition. Sting Tufts doe corrupt usthroughout, wemuft as Peter exhorteth, abflaine from them. We wouldnot feede upon that this fpring, that we know would breede us difeafcs at thefall : fo much moremuft we svoyd that whichwill bring fiickneffes, nay death to foule and body. For looke as holineffe is the beginningof life everlafting, whichgo- eth 'until[ it end in glory : fo is finne the death of the foule, which doth (if thegraceof Chrift heale it not) neverflay till it commeth to everlafting damnation; I mean the bodyof finne dwelling in us; for even as noyfome favours come from a putriied body, fo doe thefe motions from acorrupt foule.if thy child doe fwerve from morality, and civil vertue,following whores,be a rioter,a theefe,&c.when thou feet} an abfence of civili vertue, thou fayeft, he is even a loft child: what then (hall we thinke of our (elves, being without all heavenly venue of faith, hope, joy in the Spirit, godlineffe, temperance t &c. Wherefore learne we to confider of finne and our efiate through ir, that wewho have not thought of it, may yet let our hearts to theway of life; that we maybe thankefull who have efcaped from it; that we may take heede of it, and labourto behealed of it more and more. Should fome learned Phyfrrian tell you, loch or filch a deadly thing were growing on yourbody, how wouldyou rhanke him and make ufe of it . Oh it is well with thee, if God make thee wife, that thou heareft this day, how thou art in every partcorrupt, evendead inSpi- rit. How glad are we when we efcape fome de.fperate bodily fickneffee and if theredwellreliquesoffickematter with us, we keepe rules de [agitate taenda, howmuch more fhouldwebewife for our foules The oldman corruptwith deceiveable Infle.] 0bferve, That not fame onefngleloft or finne, but many lifts befit the unregenerate perfos. There . is in us all a body offinne,and the Apoftledoth bid us crucifieour earth- ly members, naming many particular finnes, fornication, ancleannefi, covetoufnefa ,inordinateafeclions, &c. For as a naturali body hath not one mernberonely but divers,fo this fpirituall bodyof finne bath not onelyone, but many evills tomake it up. Which is tobe markedagainst filchas ignorantly, when they give entertainment to fome one finne, thinke they have no fault but that one inwhich they live. Therefore when their confciences upbraid them with the finne inwhich they live, thus they falve the matter; they confeffethe finne, but comfort themfelves that though it be a faulr,yet it istheir only fault,they hope if a man fpeak that bythem,he bath fpoken his worft, be hathPaid all he can fay; not knowingthat it isnot one Tuft that hangeth abouta naturali man, but if the matter be Well examined, aman is nothing but a fardell of divers fnfulllufts. And as in the body great difeafes never goe alone, but have pety in- firmitiesaccompanying them, fo iris in thefoule in regardof frnnes. 3. It isto be marked, Thatfrnfulllufis areexceedingdeceiveableahus the holy Ghoft attributeth this to finne, that it is full of deceitfulneffe, 'Heb.3,X3. Exhort one. another, left any be hardened through the de- cettful- 531 Yfe 3. And to obiiain from lulls which fo cor- rupt us. Doit. Anunregene- rateman is full ofevill lulls. Rom 6.6. Col. ;.f. Yfe. Unregenerate mea arc.. decei- ved who think they have but forre one fin. Doti. Sinfu4luf s a re deceitful!.