132 I. Gen.;. 2. 3 vie ITEM; 23. Ephefaan.r Chap,q.. VE fnne. It pretends that it never performer; and like a baited hooke, it fhewes meate and covers murder. Now there lufts are deceitfull in that they promifeandpretend fuch endsas they never leade unto : even as the devil' perfwaded the firft lutingby this Argument, itfhouldmake them like God : fo finne it pro- mifeth plcafure, profit, and payes a man home with paine and mifery. T Bey are deceitfull , inafmuch as theyput on the femblance of vertu : thus covetoufneffe and griping will goe masked in the ap- pearance of good husbandry,making the belt of a mans ovine : pride will goe in a vizard ofcomelineffe, of wifedome, challenging the au- thorityofones place : prophaning the Sabbath will put on the colour of Chriffian liberty; in which they refemble theeves, that overtaking honcft men on the way, will ride along with them, as if they meant well and were honeftly minded, that they may the better attainc their booty. Neither is this deceit in finne admirable, when the devil! him. felfe doth transforme himfelfe into an Angell of light for his greater advantage. Theyaredeceitfull in pleading for the retainingofthem, in holding their owne : hence it is,that they blearethe eyes of many that live in them, as if all.were well, nothing to be blamed: hence it is that if a mancome tofee this or that a fault, they will have twenty excufes , Who livethwithout hisfault ? you doe not this alone : Gad is merctfull. If the judgement of God be threatned, this bull -faced harlot the luft of the heart will fay, Tufh, if God were thus angry with this or that finne, we fhould not havelived thus long and prolpered as wee have, no evil' hath found us out; yet I am fore lull is as crafty asfer. pentsare, for they will twine about with manifold turnings, and fo in- trench their heads, (in which is the lifeof them) that you fhall hardly be able to ;lit them on the head: fo fnfull lulls winde about with twenty excufes, as which is full of deceitfulneile and knoweth how to fave it felfe from receiving a deadly wound in us. We mutt therefore 'carne to becautelous, get thewifedomeofSer- penes, theywill flop their cares fo againft the enchaunter, as he can- not prevaile. Let us flop our cares, Phut up our eyes upon the perfwa- fions of fnfull tuff. If there be fuch acrafry copefmate that we know, we willnot converfe with fuch a perfon : no cunnicatcher fo full of guile, as the finneofourowne hearts is deceiveable. VERSE z3. vindbe renewed in the Spirit ofyear mind. Now he commeth to the fecond part ofour SanEtification, which is our renewing : the Apollle, r. Setteth downe the particular and fund..mentall part ofit in this 23.verfe. z. The Univerfall bodyof it in theverfe following. The Univerfallhath z . arts 1 I . It is propounded, put onthe new matt. p a.The latter parr is expounded 3wayes: a. From the manner of working it, which is created. a. Froth thepatterne of it, after God. 3. From the Effentiallparts ofit,in righteoufneffe andholineffe. Before