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V E R. 23 , Epheftanr, Chap. 4.. Beforewe confider the doótrines ofthis verle, we mutt looke what is meant by Spirit oftheminde : Some fay the Holy Ghofi which dwelieth whir is meant inyour minds; but the phrafe is infolent,, and the matter impertinent. by the Spnt Some fay the íf?irituall quality of the mindc, but that is comprehended ofthe mimic. in the words berenewed : for what is that but to get a new quality in the fpirituall quality of your mindc ! Iris belt conftruing the Spirit by that,' Thef.s. z3. The Gdofpeacefaisaifteyou throughout. & Ipray Çod r T.4tfq.z;. that your whale fpirit andfeuleandbody bepreferved blameleffe, unto the comming ofour Lordlefts Chrifl; it is taken for thefupreame facultyof thefule, and fo let this be the meaning , get a new quality, viz. of di- vinelight in the fupreame power of your mindc : this is moft naturall for the words, and pertinent for the argument : For thus in thedo- Chine ofour renovation we bring in that principal! and fundamental! part of Gods image reckoned, Col.3.'o. Put on the new man which ú renewedin knowledge : fundamental! and principal! , becaufc it is firft innature and caufeth theother, z Pes.1.3. -1s his divinepower bath given us all things that pertaine unto life and godltneffc , through the knowledge ofhim that bathcalledus untoglory andvenue. Thedoctrine from the words is this ,- That - hetrue fcholars ofChrifl Trne Scho]srs havenot melt theiroutwardman , but the spirits ofthem renewed to the of c h, a are ten w-o In knowledge ofGod. For underftanding it thebetter, we muff know, hen mnds ro r. Howwe were at our firft creation in the fpirit ofour minds. the k rowtedgc z. H,wwe are by nature, ofhim. 3. Towhat end weare renewed in them. Youmull know therefore that by creation wee had in our minds a r. divinelight, whichdid let us fee the wifdome, power, mercy and lu- the otinow n liceof God , as was manifefl by Creation and Covenant ftricken ledge ;flour withus. And this light in the fpirit ofthe mindc, did makeus lookto creation. our God, as an image in a glaffe d:,th looke to himward from whom it is reflected : this the Apoftle givethus to confider, when hefaith, be renewed ; giving us to underhand that fometime we had it ,and Man was created in the ImageofGod, aprincipali part whereof is the ac- knowledging of him. Secondly, you mull know that the fpirit of our minds is }ripped of 2; this heavenly under(tanding. Pfal. t 4.3. 2 Cor. 2.4. The naturali man It tis after the perceivethnot the things of God, neithercan he. As before the fall of todarknettèn man, his mindc wasenlightened with the'perfeótknowledgeof God; fo finethe fall iris overeat}, and even wholly poffeffed with palpable darkneffe, beingdehitute nor onely ofall aduall knowledge, but alto ofall ability of attaining the true knowledge of God, by any faculty, vertue,induftrie,or any meanes inherent inhimfelfe , fo that the mu- rail knowledge ofman is meere darkncffe andignorance the under- landing is altogether occupied in things naturali andfecular, that is, things which appertaine to our naturalI life and civill condition, and bathno knowledgediftinr t ofGod, but a little confuted , which ma- wemutt be re. Iketh us the more inexcufable. weaved;a The point that we mutt get our fpirits renewed tò, isnot limplythe ckh(thGod ¡n A a a knowledge 533