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VIER .24, é'phefiana,Chap.4. 535 a. For the words, What it is topat on the newman ? Anfw.To get into the divine nature, and to grow up in the graces of the Spirit to perfection. a. Which is createdaccording to God that is, whichby no lefTe thena creating power is glorioufly framed in us after the Image of God, Cal. 3.1o. 3. It may be asked,What ismeant by righteofneffeandholineffe! Anfw. Some by rightcoufnefe underftand the quality of juftice in us, which makethus doe whatfoever is juft toward the creature. And holineffe, they take for adivine quality whereby we exercife and per- forme religious offices toward God : But the Scripture is not favo- rable to this diftinEtion, forRom. r. r 8. this is made unrighteoufneffein men that they praife not, and are not thankfull to God, and therefore by Lawofcontraries, righteoufneffe is to be extendedto the Creator as well as the Creature, as the Scripture puttethholineffe as well in doing thingsone with another, as in duties about God. That you may learne topoffeffeyour veffelr in holinefe andhonour. I take it therefore that thrfe vertues mutt be taken in their latitudeand full extent, righ- teeufnefe, noting forth a divine quality whereby wee performe what- foever is our duty toGodand the Creature : Hauneffe, is a divine qua. lity which in our felves,and our duty to God and men , excludeth all fpot ofcorruption ; It is auniverfall purity , which taketh away and denieth the leaft mixtureofluft; and it is as generall as the other. It is further faid holineffeoftruth; which might be taken asnoting theinftrument begetting holineffe, lohn 17. 17. Sanllifie them with thy truth, thy word istruth : But here it mutt be taken for foundneffe for as righteoufneffe and holineffe areoppofed tolulls : So truth is,op- pofed todeceicfulnefïe. The fummeof the words is : Tom that have hectic trulytaught Chrifi, and have learned Chrifi , fo as to put off cor- ruption, fo toget yourfelves throughout cloathed with the divine quality, with the grace oftheSpirit, which is by the almighty power ofGod, framed after the exampleof Godhimfelfe , and ftandeth in noexternall things , but in righteoufneffe and holineffe, and not in every kind ofthere, butin fuch righteoufneffe and holinefi'e,asisfound and fincere. Here therefore, 1. We muff confider ; That every one that is a true fcholar ofChrifi, muff put on the new man , muff more andmoregethim- felfe cloathedwith the grace ofthe Spirit, which is a anew creature in the heart. To amplifie it by the fame coafiderations wherewith wee did illuftratethe puttingoffthe oldmans 1. Wemuff feewhat it is. 2. By what meanes we come to put itofd. 3. By what degreesthis is donein u<. For the firft , It is aborrowed fpecch from bodily putting on of garments, in which three things are to be marked : a. There is the body cloathed. a. Thegarmentcloathing. Aaaa ;.The Concerning thediffer ente between righ- reoufnelfe and holineffe: í Thcf.+.4. What hho- finds oftruth: D.11, ChrifsEcho. lar mutt put on the new mais. What it is to put on the new ctedture.