5;S I. Themeans whereby weget increafe in the newcrea- ture. 2. z Pet.s.4. Mat.zf.}y. The degrees of putting oath: new creature. ,Epbefians, Chap.4. V. a R.24, 3. Theadtion whereby the cloathing is applyed to the body, viz. theputting on. So here are three things anfwerable. 2. The cloathing with the divine quality or hidden man of grace. 2. The foule,which is the thing principally to be cloathed. 3. Thefitting uponus, Or the applyingof this to our foules, by thofe meanswhich in the next place we are to reckon up. So that toput on thenew man is , to get fetkd upon our foules the divine qualities which make themanta new man, that is, touching di- vine qualities throughout renewed. We muft fogrow up into Chrift, that not we, but Chrift may beeverywhere from top to toe fcene to live in us; this is fembled by the adtion of puttingon, which doth fo cover the body,that notthe body,but the rayment only is difcernable. Now for thefecond, Wee comeby three meanes more and more tobe cloathed with this garment. I. By feting where weare naked, efpying where our foulesare uncovered. 2. We mutt comeand buy thefe things: Itevel.3. t 8. Icount-ill thee to buy ofmegoldtriedby thefire, that thon maifl bemade rich, andwhitePayment, that thou maieft be clos. thed,&c. Nowwe buy of God without money,the thing is thus, God fetteth forth thefe things in the word ofpromife , when wee bybe- liefe reach them and apply them to our felves, then wee make pur- chafe ofthem. Ifwe will give Godany thing, then hee dealeth by wayofexchange with us; hedothwith us to furrender to him ourold robes, and for thefe he giveth us new rayment, weare madepartakers ofthe divine nature, havingfedfrom the corruption which is is the world through lufi: the foreskin of thefe Philiftims are the oncly current money with our God. We comebyexercifing our felves in well -doing to be more and more cloathed with the grace ofthe Spirit : for he that bath (that is, that fo hath grace that hedoth husband it) be(hall have more, but hee that path not, (thatis, fohath it, that he doth not ufe it, like him that hid thetalents) eventhat hebath/hall be token away. For the third thing, we doe put on this newman : I. Bybeginning to be new creatures. 2. Byproceeding in it. '3. Byreceiving it perfet ted in us, whenwe (hall be filled with the fulnefleofGod. The ufe of it tousis, that as we will have affurance that we have truly learned Cbrifl, fo we muft put on a new nature ; ifwe havebeen fierce, covetous, fenfuall, we mutt put on us meekneffe, laying afide wrath, we mutt put on heavenly mindedneffe, contentation,holinetfe. We cannever look that our foules and bodies fhoúld be clothed with glory, ifhere they put not on the clothing of grace. 2 Cer.5.4. We wouldnot beuncloathed but wouldbe cloathedupon, that mortality might befwallowed up of life. And this fpirituallcloathingofgrace fhould dwell withus continually, we fhould lying downe and putting offour cloathes,