V E R. 24. Ephjans, Chap. 4. 537 cloathes, think ofputting off your old corruptions ; putting on our cloaths, thinkofgetting the white raimentof Godsgrace to cover our nakedneffe. The fecond thing tobe marked is : That God himfelfe is thepattern Do¿i. after which this newman in us is-framed, even the divinenature of 'theF4- Gads thepat- ther, Senile and holy Ghefl; as the [ampler which GodBoth look on in the rem tu the 4W renewing ofus. For we are reftored in Chrift to that in fubftance which wehad in creation : now God created as after his own image, Gen.1.27. Since mans fallwe are begotten not to Gods image, but after the i- mageofthe corrupted Adam: Adam begat aSon in his owne image, Gen. 3.r.Now therefore when God doth revue us, he doth, according to his owne image, create in us a new creature, a divine quality, and fo make usconformable to him. For the morediftin& conceiving how Thwgsaredi- verAy arrer we are according ro Gods image reftored;We mull know,athing may Gods;mae. be fo after the imageof another, as equally to partake in the fame na- ture withhim after whomhe is framed: Thus formes are begotten ac- cordingto the imageof Parents , thus Chrift is the image of his Fa- ther. Secondly, things are according to this or that which doe reprefent them,thoughthey arenot of like nature ; thus is the Kings picture in money, feales, &c. and thus the Creature is after the imageof God. Now this is either generall,or fpeciall: Generally all the Creaturesarc according toGod, hehad no other fampler after whichhe fhould cre- ate the worldthen himfelfe. And ifwe were good Clerks to reade, e- very hearb hath the nameof God written in it.Themore fpeciall kind PÏU¡rem9ue is proper to Angels and men, who fo reprefent the divine nature, as beba that they imitate thevertues oftheir heavenlyFather. Now the ufe of this dodtrinc is, 1. To confute thofe that have y e. made the SonneofGod as to be incarnate,the image after which man Tic image of was Created; for the text faith, not after the SonofGod, or after the ter whichwe humane natureofChrift, but after God, the effence common to the arc created is Father,Sonne andholy Ghoft, and therefore in Genefis,it isfaid, Let us Godncarnate make man after our image. This doth let us fee, andprovoke us with thankfulneffe to acknow- Yfe 2. ledgewhat an excellent priviledge we have: Gen. 1.27. this is redou- bled,Gedcreatedman afterbic image, and he goeth over it againe, intie imageofGod created be him : And truly it is no fmall favour, when he might have made us toades: whogave oughtfidi to him, why he fhould have this benefit beftogredon him! Rom. , x.35. It mull provoke usto love this new creature, to feek after this re- pfe newing of our nature: when the Devill told our firft parents,they fhould be likeGod, they lifted to it to their deftruEtion, much more mull we liften to this, untoour falvation. Seeing Gods image isonus, we.mutt walk as becommeth a divine Vfe4. generation, for if this fhould moveus toall godlinefle, that the glori- ous Name of.God iscalledontes,how much more fhould this move us, ipe.r.r. thatthis image of God is engraven in our foules a this shouldmake Aaa3 us