138 I DO. The new crea- cure ftandeth ininwardgra- cc:,notinour- ward rhings. Gpe6'`S; 3 s Y'fe I. The image of Godwherein manwas crea- ted is not in the body,nor or the hes of fxc ulcies foule,norindo- minionover the creatures. y fe 2. We mull not reft in out- wardduties. Ufa 3 Doiä. Such as are new creatures their glacesate Rom.tu.9. Ja`n'3' 7' Joel x13. Rom.6 t7. Ephefians, Cbap.4. V s R. 24, us expreffe the venues of bin who bath called us from darkneffe to light. .. 3. It is to be marked that he faith, this new Creature ftandeth in righteoufneffeand holineffe: whence obferve, That not externallthings, but inward graces make thenew Creature; the new Creature isoppofed to things externall; not Circumcifionnor uncircumciftonavaileth any thing,but a newCreature: which new Crea- curethe Apoftle Peter calleththe hiddenman oftheheart. H: therefore that is a new creatureaccording toGod, mutt have his will righteous, 1 anttoallobedience, alldutiestowardsGodandman ,hemullhave allhisnature rand ified, though not perfectly and throughout, yet tru- ly and in force meafure. Now this,that Paul maketh this newman af- ter Gods image to (land in thefe things, doth teach us 3.things. That the imageofGod is not tobe conceived in bodily things, as the Anthropomorphites imagined, nor yet ftandeth in the effenceand faculties of the foule, as memory, reafon, will, as "lugufline took it, for wicked men have thefe; nor in dominion and rule which made manas a little God, among ft the Creatures, for this is a confequence that followed on the image, but as Paul teacheth, it ftandeth in thefe divine qualities, which as certain formes and figues expreffe the divine nature,moft holy,moft juft,fofar as the Creator can be figured forth infuch a Creature. It doth teach us, that ifwe will be ti- Creatures, we muff never flay in outward things, reft not in them: What ifwe come to Church, be baptize& whatif we have acquaintance and a good liking ofthe the better men, what ifwe could preach the Word, doeany outward duties e what if our tongue,our countenance, our externalla&ions,be renued r ifwe refshere, we have made cleane onely the outfide of the platter, we are not new Creatures; ifour hearts benot righte_ ous,be not holy, all is nothing. In the third place , it letreth us fee what a fearfull wickedneffe they commit that doe mock at righteoufneffe and holine(fe in men; it is a vile part , they trample the image of God under their feete ; now it were Pety treafon fo to mifufe the Piéture of a Prince. 4. It is tobe marked,that he faith, holineffeoftruth: thatis,in fuch righteoufneffe and holinefle,asgee withuprightneffe ofheart; which doth teach us; That whofoever are newCreatures indeed,t hegraces they have arefound Andfine-ere; thus the Scripture teflifyeth in particular of their faith,that it is unfained; of their love, that it is without diffimulation; oftheir wif- not dome that it iswithout h ocrif of their repentance,itis arentan YP Ys i g, of their garneents,batoftheirhearts: Their obedience isfrom the heart;and whatfoever isin them, hath truth accompanying it, as here theyare faid tobe retorted in ri bteoa f ne a and trueholine ff e 2. Ifwe would look at the new Creatures which the Scripture re- cordeth,we might have a cloudofwitneffes, which would give tell1- mony