VitR. 24. 8phefian.r, Chap.g,. 539 mony tohis truth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, lob, David, Hezekiah, za- cbary,&c. all ofthemcommended for this uprightneffe; and it is the moft proper graceofone that is indeed a new Creature. For there may be temporary graces in thofe that are not truly in Chrift, but this theynever have in any meafure , this foundneffe of heart ; and therefore thofe onely that are the good ground , are Paid to have a good and bonefi heart ; that is, hearts without guile and diffi- Luke 8.r s. mulation. Wee muff therefore examineour felves whether the little things vfe r. we have, are joynedwith truth in thereines: for if our religion be not without reigning hypocrify, it is but a mask and vizard of vertue; it is like v46 folons vow, like iefabels fatting, like Herds going to wor- fhipCh rift, like the Pharifees long praying; diffembled holineffe is double iniquity; ifwe bewithout this truth, we arc no newCreatures, but (hall have our portion with hypocrites. On the Contrary, ifwe will have an evidence, that we are the true p f fcholars ofChrift, we muff feekabove all things to make fure that our hearts be upright with our God, theleaft grace with uprightneffe maketh anew Creature,makethyou bleffed; Pfal. r r ,. r. Blfedarethe upright in their way. This maketh you Nathaniels,true Ifraelites in whom is noguile. But it may be asked,lIow r 'anmay find out this, that the heart is Atefi: upright a and that he hash tt2"mouth It ,fhewethit felfe in4. things a. It will make one in all his courfe, draw himfelfe into Gods pre- sag ofan fence; thefe are coupled together, Gen.t7.2. Walk before me and beup- °P"ghrheazr.l right, and theguife of hypocrify is to look, who looketh on, to exercife holineffe,that they may be Peen ofmen, rather then to approve them- felves beforeGod. And though hypocritesmay boat' of their com- ming into Gods pretence, yet this is fure, that a guilefull heart never dare into Gods pretence. Efay 33.a3. The hypocrite faith, Who may dwellwith the confumingfire? 2. Truthwhere it is, will make you doe things not with your out- wardmanonely, but from your hearts and fpirits, for thefe areall one in the Scripture, to doe athing from the heart,and todoe it uprightly: to doe it without the heart, to doe it fainedly. Judahbath not turned to mewith her wholeheart, butfainedly. And the hypocrifyof the Phari- Ier.;.ro. feeswas manifeft in this,they did not joynewith their lips their hearts and reines, as Era, and Ieremy foretold ofthem. 3. It will make one in allthings propound a goodend, even Gods glory,asthe Apof a exhorteth,Wbatfoeveryedoe inwordor deed, let all : cor:ro.3r: be done to theglory ofGod. 4. It will make us obey in all Commandements, it will not divorce the firft and fecund table, but will make joys with works of religion to God, works ofmercyto men For many that make forceprofef- on and frequent religious duties,may hence be convincednot tobe tru- ly religious, becaufe thoughthey are thus holy in thefe regards, yet look