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540 Ephefiani Chap.q.. Vit 11.2.5) look at their dealingwith men,they have no truth nor mercy.Somany men formorali parts,unblameable,one would think them little Saints, void of wrath, ofuncleannefie, no fwearers, true in their dealings, yet theyhave nothing in truth, becaufe the fame men have no acquain- tance with Faith and repentance, nor no care of holy and religious exercifes. VERS. 25. V E R SE 25. Wherefore putting away lying, j eake every man truthunto his neighbour: for we are membersone of another. Nowhe commeth to more particular precepts : The r. concerning truth in fpeech. Duty The fummeofthis verfe is thC', Reaaffons. r. Negatively; Cafl away lying. The duty laid downe a. By affirmation; speak the truth every one withbis neighbour. The Reafons are two. a'. To be gathered from tie word Where- fore, whichCOI. 3. 9.. is laid downeat large, seeing you haveput of the oldman, withhis works, andput on the new. The fccond Reafon follow. eth in the endofthe words,far weare members oneofanother; for wearc by thebondoflove molt ftrattly tycd one to another. D.. To come unto the pointsof the verfe: a. Herewe fee, Chriftians muttavoid ly- That fuehas arethe truemembers ofchrill,ma/l avoidall lying. in Before we can handle it, we mutt tell you what it is to lie. 4Of. Thoughwe diftinguilhbetwixt lying and telling untruth, yet the what lying,. Scripturedoth call the tellingofuntruth, lying : for whatfoeveris not (peaking of truth, that is lyingby the phrafe ofScripture. 7o lye] therefore is to fpeak that which agrecthnot withourmind, or which agreeth not with the truth ofthe matter,or which difagreeth from both: This every one granteth to bea lye, when a man fpeaketh one thingand knoweth another, or thinketh another to be true. And this againe is alye when a man fpeaketh as he meaneth , but yet his meaningmifl'eth of the truth ofthe matter : as ifI fayand think fo, that it is 9. of the clock, when it is but 8. it is a lye : foras the firft is grounded in wilful) falfhood;fo this latter isgrounded in a finfull heed- feffenefFe, for a wifeman should work and ¡peak by knowledge,Prov. 13.15. Now then that we know what the Scripture calleth lying, we may more profitably handle our doctrine, which we will prove and apply, and then conclude with clearing inwayofcautions force kinde offpeeches whichhave appearance ofuntruth, butarenot fo. True Chrifllans mull avoid alllying ; for Zeph. 3.13. the Lord faith ofthe remnant ofIfrael, that is, all the true members of theChurch, they(houlddoe noiniquity, neither fhoaldthey f)eake lye;. We neednot nga n4 sport- moreplaces, and this is to be conceivedofall lyes, not onlyHurt- full and orfici. full ones, but Delightful!, Officious lyes : for all lyes arealike in this ous lycs. text forbidden, whichwe may thusgather. Every lie thatfiandeth not with truth is here forbidden:But all lies diffent from truth ; for ifone fhould fave a foul with a lie, andanother shoulddestroyafoulbya lie, they