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:$42. Some things Mach have femblance of Iyes but arc not. I. 2. Gen. 20.0.11. 3. 4 Deli. We mullbe careful' to fpeake the truth. rely Ani What it is ro fpeake truth. PCai. tI. It includeth 3. things. deg. Sn( I. When truth is tobe woken and notcon- cealed. 3. lie I. Ephefians, Chap.4. V I R. z5, idle words fhould be puni(hed with lyingwords. Thirdly, wemuff thinke of the judgment which God hath threat- ned againtt lying and them that love lyes, Revel. 2 r. 27. Now followeth the laft thing,the neceffary prevention in this do. Chine, left we fhould condemne of lying,things that have nounpurh. We muff know therefore, that Allegories, fables, &c. they are not untruths, becaufe the fenfe and meaning of them,though not the letterof them, doth not difagree from truth, for a fable is nothing but a fpeechby piétures. Concealementsare not lyes,fuch was i4brahams,thatSarah trashis fler : Samuels,in laying that hewent to Sacrifice, t Sam. 15. Speeches fpoken according ro prefent intention, without prejudi- cing future liberty:as when I refute a thing atboord,and prefently after take it,when I fay I will come feeone and do not; as Gen.t9.a.the An. gels being invited byAbraham to come intohis house faid,Nay ,but wee will abide in theftreet all night; but upon importunitie,they turned into him, 2 Cer.I.17. Fibtions or Ironies, as when I fee my child havea knife, I draw the backeof it over his hand and tell him I will cut offhis hand. Topro- ceede. Speake thetruth.] Obferve, t.fts wemull avoydlying, fe we mutt lee carefuUthat the thingbe truth whichwe fpeake. Before we handle it, we mutt, marke what it is to fpeake the truth. Tofpeake as I thinke, and thinkeof thisor that as it is : this double harmonyof themindewith thematter, and the mouth with the mind, maketh up thefpeaking of truth. And that all Chrifts are bound thus to fpeake thetruth, it is laid downe, Zach. 8.16. Ton (hall /feake the truth one to another; lerufalem whole children weare all, isa City of truth,he that will dwell in theeverlafting tabernacles,mufi (peak the truth from his heart. And this fpeaking the truth includeth thefe 3. things. r. That I !hall not deny that I know to be truth. 2. That whatfoever I fpeake be truth,and that known tome. 3. That then I doe confeffe truth when it is to be fpoken, and may no longer be concealed. Now this is a queflionwhichmuff be affoyled. Whenamt bound to fpeake the truth When Authority,Temporall or Ecclefiafticall, doth lawfully re- quire. WhenGods glory or myneighbours good is procured, or Gods di(honour and my neighbours hurtavoyded by ir. When Circumftances of time, perfon and place make it fit tobe uttered. This therefore doth convince the want of truth which is in us; as likewife the unjuft concealment of truth; as fometime weknow that which would make acaufegoe where the right of it is, and yet open not the matter. Sometime we heare contrary to truth, our brethren charged, yetwitneffe not the truth in challenging their names.As thus opened