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`i e.zG. Ephefiana,Chap. q.. 543 opened, it Both not favour fuch blabtongues, as know nothing, but they will blaze: And what is their defence! Why, they hope they fpeakethe truth, as ifthis were not the propertyofa foole to fpeake all he knoweth, whereasa wife man doch keepe it for afterward. And as it rebuketh tittle things, fo it doth warne us ofour duty, that we doe take heede that we get knowledge of that wee fpeake, and that we fpeake according toour knowledge : for manyfpeake un- truths byheedlefneffe and rafh affirmations of that they throughly know not. This care to fpeake the truth will approve us to be the children of the Godof truth, and bean evidence to us that wee (hall dwell intheheavens for ever. For we aremembers one ofanother.] Obferve hence, That this thatwe are tyedin loveone to another,mujl make seo be carefa¢ tofpeake the truth. Love doth not teach to lye, as theleofficious lyers will pretend, Love rejoyceth not in iniquity, and that love is fall ly fo called that perfwa- deth men to fuch cowries. Doe themembers of the body,as thehand, doth it mocke themouth and deceiveit, becaufe it is fo ftraitly knit in the body! nothing .leffe. VERSE 26. Be angry and finitenot, let not the Saonegot downe upon your wrath, Now followetha Preceptof anger: and theverfe doch laydowse touching anger s. things. a. Touching the beginning or rilingof it, Beangry, hat jinn not. 2. Touching thedurance and continuance of it, Let not the Stonegee down uponyour wrath: Which isamplified by the reafon;givenot place to the devil: you muffnot doe that uponwhichthe Devil! will further and further dole with you, as hewill, ifyou to andcheri{h wrath in you. Nowa little tounfold the words. Thole words may taken as gi. ving acommandement, or a permiffion onély, like as that, Thou jhalt Bateof every tree in thegarden, did not binde Adam totafte them all, but gave him leaveiffo he would : So one may take this Be angry; but thinke is rather commanding fpirituall anger,with forbidding car- nal!. For as it is finne upon ones foule, notto havethe juft exercife of love; fo of anger in due place ofit. Secondly,we mull know thatby being angry 3:things muff be un- derftood : s. The iadeliberatepaffion; for this, if it .rife unjuftly,is finfull, a fparkeof the fire of hell kindled in the foule. z. The revengefullaffe(tion yceldedunto, and willingly .entertai- ned. 3. The inward liffe.ion now accomplifhed in looke, word, beha- viour : all thefe,andevery ofthem to be conceived. Let not the Sonne goe down upon your wrath.] Thefewordsdoe pro- verbially import as muchas,Lrt tenor lodge withyou, nor take up an Inne in your breath. Thefumineof the verfe : "Be Yfä z. Doti. Our being &l- low members mwit move us tofpeake the truth. 1 Cor. 13.6. aRSE 26. Gen. z.-16: Be angry, a Commande- ment. Three degrees ofanger.;