544 Doty. IrislawEull in Come mediae to beangry. Exod.; zag. s. Pet.14. dtef. Howro rid- ce.neof lawful and holy an. ger, Ephefzanf Chap.4. V$x.26. «Beyeholilyangry, but benot finnefully angry,and iffuch anger enter, r. yet continuenot in it let not thedevil further and further elofe withyou. Firft then wefee, that it is not unlawfull to be angry, yea that infame manner a Chrif?ian may andmull be angry : our saviour doth not in generall threaten all anger, Ladat. 5. 19. but that anger which is rafh and caufelefle; and here Paul doth not fay in nocafe be angry, but be angry fo.0you finnotin youranger. And anger isafcribed to God him. felfe, which if it were bad in thekinde, as envie and fuch like, it could not be. And the Philofopher teacheth that thefe affet4ions abfolutely confidered areneither praife-worthynor difcommendable; but to be angry in one manner is commended, to be angryin another is difprai- fed. The Scripture therefore as it condemned] Lome for anger, fo it commendeth otherfome, and fheweth us a holy anger both publique and private. Motes was juftly angry, Exod. t t. 8. He went out from Pharaoh very angry. And when he camewere the Hofl he faw the Calfe and thedaunting : fo tiktofeswrath waxed hot. Numb. 16. 15. Hewas very angry for the murmurings of the people. Eliah is commended for his zeale to God; which is an affeftion compounded of love to God, and anger againfttha't which difhonoureth God: Phineas, Elihu inLob: Chrift himfelfe, Marke;. 5. He looked upon them angrily, be. So inprivate perfons, as Lot in Sodome, His foule war vexed with the unclean converfarionofthewicked.And the Apoftle,s Cor.7. rr.Where there is a godly furrow, there is a holy indignation againtt finne and revenge. Ttlis being fothatwe mull be fpiritually angry, it may be asked, howwe may difcerne a fpirituall anger It rifeth fromalove of God and our neighbour, with hatred of finne; thus cMofes his anger did kindle in theplace above named. 2. It is well ordered, that is, a. It doth not rafhly arife in us: yet we muff take heede of confounding rafhly and fuddenly; for that is rafh which hath no juft caufe; nowloafer his anger was fodaioe,but notraft], becaufe the occafion wasfo grievous; and this doth conforme our anger to Gods anger, who is flowof anger. 2. It mutt be duely proportioned to thefault; thus God is an- gricat all finne, yet idolatrie, tempting God, blafphe- mie,oppreffron,ihedding innocent blood, &c. his fierce wrath ispowred out upon fuch hones. Againe in regardof Perfons, wrath mullgoe as lovegoeth, it beginnethat home,then it goeth to thofe whoare nee- reft us, then further off : fo God ftirreth morequick- ly in temporali correEtionsagainft his owne houfhold then thofe that are without. 4. Our wrath and the accomplifhment ofit muffbe within the compaffe ofour calling : fo (Moles powdered thecalk and