INTER .26. .pheJalnd, Chap.4. and tooke vengeance, but it was withincompaffe ofhis calling , for he was a Magiftrate : So that if a private perron fhould reforme publique abufes and plead zeale (unleffe his calling were extraordinary) it were carnali fury, not holy zeale. 5. It mutt Rand with loveof thofe at whom we are angry,and with the dutyofprayers : So r.Mofes hee did love the people notwithffanding his anger, anddid pray that he might rather bePhut outfrom Gods favour , then they fhould not be receivedto favour ; and Chrift with his anger, mourned in fpirit for them with whom he was angry. The ufe ofthis to us is, that we doe nitre upour felves to this holy anger : Whofeblood lifer!) at the fins of men e at feeing the Lord difhonoured e Wee are cold as ice this way. We muff bee angry at our fins, we mutt hate the wayesofevill, that God hateth, if we love the Lord we mutt hate eviil. z. It is to beobferved, That we muß take heedoffinfull anger; be not angrie finfully,or fin not inbeingangric.Now then our anger is finfull, whenas pride, and felfe-love doth caufe it in us : As when men are altogether angric,becaufe they are difgraced , wronged , receive not fuch meafure as they looke for : or are moved becaufe their minds are not ferved : thus was good Davidangriest Samar 6.thus wasgood Jonas angric, Jonah4.9. Secondly, whenour anger keepeth no due bounds, is exceffive, fuch was the anger of the fonsof Jacob , it had a juft caufe , but they knew no meafure in revenge : Secondly, their difpleafure brake out againftthe innocent as well as the guilty. When it hindereth good duties, breaketh off love, occafroneth other fins. The wrathofman accompliJheth not the righteoufnefe ofGod. And anger never goeth alone , if it fray with us ; When Sarah was angry at Abraham,fee how fhe brake tooffend againft the ninth Com- mandement, by accufingIbrahamwrongfully, and againft the third Cotnmandement,to take Gods name invaine unadvifedly. Now this ferveth both to teachus todifcerne how deepe weare in finfull anger,and alto tobe a groundof exhortation. We mutt there- fore be watchful' againft this inordinate paflion , and muff not excufe it, as ifit were our nature to behaftie;If I be borne with a little,! have done, I love notto beare hatred. It is well we love not hatred, but it is ill we areaddiaed to finfull anger. And the more wee muff arme our felvesagainft this fin , by howmuch cuftome in it doth make it lefl'efelt and bewayled , by howmuch our corrupt reafon will more juftifie it inus, as Jonas Paid; Hedidwell tobe angry. Little finsbreed us more woe when they are not felt and feared, then great ones when they arc refitted. f ueII. Ifyou aske howwe may preferveourfelves e Anfw. By getting confcience ofour owne defervings, forpride Bbb will vff. Doli. We mulf not be gnfully Notes offin- full anger, 2. Jam. 1.20. Gen.c6.5. Vfe. Jonab49 Manes ro prdvenc fnfni! anger.