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546 ( E'pheflatu, Chap.4. V E a.26. Galat.ó.r. Luke 23.34. Socrates. Senecade ira. Doli'. We mull nor let anger lodge with us. 1Sam:13=3 will make frayes ofnothing , butpovertie of fpirit will wichfland an- ger, in remembringwhat wee are and may bee , will cook choler. Tit. 3.3. Spewall meekeneffe towards all, for we our 'lives were femetime foolifh, difobedient, deceived, [crying divers lulls,&c. if any bee fallen throughweakneffe,yewhich are reflore Tuch a one with the ¡Jirit ofineekeneffe, cenftdering thou thy felfe maiill be tempted. 2. Confider the thing that moveth us, as in regard ofthepartie, fo in regardofGod, both inflit. ing iton us, and ordering it for us : As it commeth from the partie, itis a fit ofphrenfre in him ; for every one is out of himfelfe fo faras hee wrongeth his neighbour : Now this weighed will incline tomeekeneffe, Fatherforgive them, they knownot what they doe. á. As God doth bring ituponus, it is moll init. 3. As he dothor- der it for our good, it is moftamiable. For the wicked are like Bees, they do fting,but yet yecld honey allo : In one regard they are reque- fled, though inanother not to be brooked. 3. To fupprefl'eanger, it is good when we feele it comming onus, to binde the whole man to thegood abearing; foras it is with flames, ifthey have no vent, they foone goe forth : fo this flame , if it have no where iffue, will foone be extinguifhed ; hitherwe muff recall that praéîice ofDavid, Pfal.39.t. Though hee could not hold it out fo happilyas he began it holily. And thecounfcll given to L4ugufus, to tell the greek letters; and the faying of the Heathen Philofopher, i would beate thee, but that Iam angrie. 4. Wemuff takeheed ofoccafions : the Heathens have beenwife in this behalte, as cafar, heof whom Plutarch telleth, that broke the glafí'es : Abrahamwith Lot. Weemull not come in the company of angry men, flint ffriking on flint, will bringforth fire ; Whereas afoft ffeken perfon breaketh the bone , as it may bee Solomon fpake horn re- membring his Father enraged, and Abigail. Laffly, we mutt take occafion by anger, to be angry at our inordi- nateaffet ìion,to be makeand gentle,and this is tokill the devil! with his owne weapon. The third thing, Thoughwe cannot alwayes refill there pallions from entring, yet wemull not let them lodge with ces. Wee mull not let anger a head inus,and growupon us : This Chriflians through Gods grace mayand doe attaine to. Wee mull not, though we be touchie fometime, be either bitterly or heavily difpofed : this bitter and fad anger that will dwell till it have revenge, is deteffable with God.And looke at the Saints, theyhave beetle angrie, but not continued it. Da- vid, r Sam. 25. 3r, 32.blefï'ed God, and brakeoff difpleafure at the fpeech ofAbigail : So gen. 31.35. Iacob was angrieand chid withLa- ban, but he was friendsprefendy after: whereasthe wicked, they like Li bfolom, will yeare after yeare , carry anger in their bofomes, and never forgive till theyhave revenge. Anger burneth like fire in iron, or fuch folid matter , in the wicked : but it is like fire in fnow, or thornes, in the godly, Toone kindled, Toone extinct. This