VIM47. ephefiái:r, Chap.4. 547 This therefore reproveth fach as let not the Swine fet onely, but vfe r. yeeres paffe them in their wrath , that will never forget nor forgive, bold ouchas a man (hall never come in their creed that once is out with them; and long. they countit manhood , when once they are moved not to bee re- conciled eafily : But let them know this wrath is curfed,for it is fierce; they are men, but foolifh men , Wrath ledgeih inthe brea/i ofa f ole : Ectler7.9, Howunlike arc thefe to God, robe is flow toanger, but ready toforgive?;.e. It muff teach us, though wrath doe affaile us, not to give it any lung of i harbour, it will not much hurt us, if it dwell not with us. A fparke orCoale, if it light upon us, andbe prefently (haken off, it proves not fohurtfull, butif itlye fill,then it caufeth burning: So this coale of the devils blowing ; the devil! will labour tomake us continue wrath, he will amplifie the indignity done us, the untowardneffe ofthe per- fon, he will fay, Beare this, and you (hall haveenough, &c. But re- member,tbcroifdomefromabove is pure, peaceable, gentle, eafe lobe Jam.;.[. intreated,fullofmercy : turn from thefe fuggefions. VERSE 27. Neithergivc placete the Devil!. Vsnss 27. Obfervehence,Tbemore wegiveplace to anyfn,thedevil! bathfur - Doti. eherpower ofas : TheDevili is fad therefore tofill the heart affomeper- The morewe fins, whonow gavethemfelves upto fin defperately, and he is faid to $,veplace to any En, the be effelivallin thefensefdifobedience. For as we being good in righte- mo,e power oufneire, have theFather, Son and Spirit further and further making bath the devia their manfiòn in us : Soon the contrary,fuch as doe yeeld themfelves gets to finfulneffe, give entertainement more and more to thefe fpirituall Eph.Z. wickedneffcs. For when we are moved to finne, thefe are about us : Satan bath defiledto winnow you. The deviilike a roaring Liongoetb up Luke ZZ.;I, and down continually f eking to devoare : Nowgivingplace to finne, rpet.53. which they fuggeft , wee give place to them. For the more cleare conceiving of it, you muft know that by five degrees wee doe give place to the Devil!. r. By communing with him,whenwefinde fbme fpirituall wicked. Degrees by ne(!'e toplead for this or that which Godforbiddeth,we muff not hold peaccello tháve difputewith them;it wasEves firft degree ofgiving placeto thedevil, devil that fhe duff! hold aparle with him ; for thoughChrift did it, no man maydoe it he was that Man that was tobruife theSerpents head, to diff'olvetheworks of the Devil!. 2. Wegive place, when the firft motions of fan are not grievous to ourfoules, thoughwe yeeld not to them. 3. Whenweconfent to them. 4. When weaccompli(h them. 5. When wee reiteratean evill deede, and doe continue it once begunne. This therefore muff tenchus,feeing finne yeelded unto , letteth in vfe t: the devillupon us, to refift fin even as the devil! himfelfe , abftaining aKceepe.uru n from the appearance ofevil! : hating thegarment ofthefle/h that is defiled. b ¡, felfr Men thinke, why, robe a little angry is no fuch matter , who isnot . Thece. fometimesa But marke the confequence, it doch let thedevil! hi to Jude vertu i B b b z have