V E R. 28. Ephefianr, Chap. g.. 5149 him labour working with hù bands the thing which isgood, that he may have togive to him thatneedeth. Now followcth another precept concerning juflice, and k is laid downe,t. Negatively; Let him tbatflole,fiealeno more; z.Affrrmative- ly,firfl propounded, but let himWere ratber:then expounded, r. From the manner, workingwith his hands; z. from the matter, that which b good : whichphrafe is tobe marked as oppofed again(} playing the bufre-body, a Theff.3.1 r. againft working 7d eeeícpya, All. 19. 19. A- gain(} unlawfullufingof lawful} callings, for he that fodoth,worketh not the thingthat is good. 3. from the fruit or end, that he mayhave to diflribute to him that needeth : The fuinme. rr You thatare in çhriftmuft have care to live juffly, though you "have ftolne, yet that being covered through mercyand you rr receivedto grace,know that youmuff fteale nomore : and «becaufeyoucannot avoid ftealing, if you be idle or ill occu- rr pied onely, thereforeyou mull labourand worke the thing " which is good, bywhich meane you (hall notbe in poverty, "which perfwadeth to theft, but you (hall be inabled to be rr helpefull to others. r.Thenwe fee Pawl doth notrejet }from fellowfhip with the Church fuch as had beene theeves : Whehce Obferve, The Gofpell loth not Dora. except a aln anyfor that he bath beetle but t ethhim to re ralne from The Gote11 evillfer hereafter. Luke3. r3,rç. Publitanr, yfouldiers, harlots are cal- =yeas °hat ledby the Gofpell. t Cor. 6. xi. For what is the Church infome fort, cheyhave but acompany of theeves, raylers,extortioners, fornicateurs, c. that bee ne. arenowfant3ified, through the calling of Chrifte Wemull: not then, becaufe we haveknown them fuch & fuch,rejeâthem,butfayas Paul ! fe. doth,Rom. 6.57. Thankesbe to Gad thatye were thefervantsoff:nne, but now e have obeyedfrom the heart, &c. And feeing that the Gofpell binds us from our old wayes,wc mutt fay like true penitentiaries,/have doneiniguity,1 will doe no more. Thus much in general}. +.35. 3 In particular,r. We fee, That Chrifliansmuff abfainefrom all theft : 1°1' and for that moregroffe theft,fimple or compound,the fecret oropen ohr;B;a,,, taking away of our neighbours goods, the joyning violence with it, mot as in high way affaults, burglaries, this theft it goeth in Irons,eve- `` ry man will bleffe himfelfe from it. We mull therefore open a more rhereis a clofe kindeof theft, which we muff carefully refraine that are the true grofr theft' fcholars of Chrifi,fuch as the Lawof God calleth theft. Now this is a deceiving ofour neighbour in his goods to our advantage, or an Adofethé&. unjuft wronging of him with any benefit at all to us. It is done two Andhowcom. wayes,eitherby doing it our felves, orbypartaking with others. mitred. The I. is committed three wayes. r. By hooking tous that our neighbourhath. 2. By with- holding from him that he Ihouldhave. 3. By unjuft damnifying him. Forthe firff, he that byany injuftice getteth from his neighbours, By *ad get. he f}ealeth before God; as if by unlawfull meanes I get any thing, or tins gro h- Bbb 3 by