IVER.z$. epheflans,Chap.+ commicred t) null, but toMake our oWne gaine at)d keepà backe fomewhat, is theft, Att. 5. as Wefee in the fad of 3 nañiás. "And fo not toretort that we havedefrauded,with zacchxroi; Laker8.8. If] bave takenfrom any man byforged cavillation; ïreflore itfoàrfold. If weendammageby giving heedelelfely occàí oiofour neigh- bours hurt, or bynot preventinghis hurt, whenWe are' able, it is a- gainfl the commaíldemenr,ihou¡halt not fealc;as thofe Lawesofkind- ling fire,ofnot helpingour neighbours beat# underhis burthen,doe te- ftifie. Now we partake with others when by counfell, concealment, flaring with them, gaining wittingly by their ftealth, as broakers that buy this or that for nought which a theefe hath floten, are theeves at the fecund hand receiving.. Now then this thus opened, how many Chrillians continue flea- linr how manyover reach inbargaining,úfe deceite in weights?how many by lying, falte reckoning, by wicked borrowing? how many theevifh Naballst howmany carelefle what fcare they doe another We that are Chriftians muff take heede we get notany thingunrigh- teou(Iy; Naboths vineyarddid Bate out all that wretched Kings p f feifions. Alittle got by ftealth may wafte great fubflance, men thinke iris a little thing, but be thegaine never fo fmall, itexcufeth"northeft-: be a mannought with a woman, rich of poore, noble or bale, faire or foule, his uncleanneffe is not excufed. Againe, he that for a littleWill finne, will mend his fervice ifthe devil! "will mend his wages. Above all,over-reachnot poore ones, fay it be but a penny matter, it m4be that penny is like the widowes mite, all they have; God is AO aténgër ofall there things. z. The fecond thing tobe Marked is, that every manmull occupie' himfelfein labourofbody or winde, orboth; that wemull have fóm'epar- ticular callings befide our generali. This fpcech that, he fhould labour withhis hands, is a Synecdoche, and doch fignifie"all kinde of labour, both bodilyand mental! : In innoccncie Adam had this injoyn'ed,tó dreffe the garden : fine the fall this is Gods ordirtanee` in rhofrbeate of thyforeheadthou'bale catethy bread : in the fourth Commandeinent the Lord commandeth us todoe our workes in the 6. dayes and we feehowmen and women, married and unmarried, married Ones in wedlock; inmatrimonie, all have their labours lying an them, God hath:given us example : Chrifl, Math. 13.55. Marke 6 3. Luke 2. it gathered tohave ufed a handy-crafr.Agaitislt.is neceifarythat We may not be theeves in the things weufe;for we are not abfolilte:freeholdërS but hold in capite,andourtenure doch rune with cóndit -ion offervice, Let a man labour andfo este his onne bread; as if he fhoul'd' fay,'thls'ma- kethus have tithe to the things We ufe, out labouring in an honed vócarion. Again, it is neceffarie for humblingdin; for mental! and corporalt bufìnéfl'esdoe takedown the pride of our natures: Ecclef. t. 13.This' pare travel/lathGodgiven to theTonnes efinen to be exercifed tberewitha. Prat. 73. 5, necaufetheywere not in she trwvaile of men, nor plagaed'. a otberi 3 By endam- I magingonr neighbour r Their. 4. 6. Doli. Every man muPì.emplYy' himCelk4n' Come la!'ovrB'- :The1L;.iz.