551, Ephefians Chap.+. 2RE Vfi. Again@fuck as live idlely andonlyfollow theirpleafures. w yt. e mutt fol- low thelabour e as an calling axeoffaith. Doll. muftbe ;ut things good and profitable. yj otbers,thereforepride compaffeth them a6aat as a chain. It is Gods yoake which Both fubdue the haughtineffeofour nature. Again, it is neceffary to keepe us from pride,i r. k. z 6.idleneffe and pridegoe together;to keepe us from luft, as we fee in theexample of Davidand Soloman. From playing the bulk- body, z Tint. 5.r3.(pea- king of idle women,theywander aboutfrom heat to hale, andnot enely idle,bat sailers and btefie.bodies.For idleneffe is the Butt the devil' fhoo- teth at, the pillow he fleepeth on; and ftanding waters are filled with filthineffe. Thelife of it is to rebuke fuch as live idlely; as what is the life of man y Gentlemen but that of Petiphars! they know nothing but thedifh they feedeopt: ifone would paint them, he muff bring them in with dogges, hawkes, dice, cards, curtifans,their dayes are paffed in plea- fure: men muff have their pleafure; true, for a bow (till bent, will prove a flugge, but recreation is a condiment for acalling, not it felfe an occupation. Again, fuch is the life of fome irreligious and idle fcholars withus in the Univerfitie; what is the life of fuchbut jetting up anddowne, jangling, fwaggering, gaming,having a tobacco pipe, walking in their chambers from hand to hand blowfrng, theeves in that theymifpendwhile thus they continue,both their foundersallow- ance, and parents meanes. Many that profeffe, full of idleneffe, for they fomeof thempaffe their time in talking, indrinking,gaming, &c. that theymake the worldcondemnc religionof idleneffe. Andthe Papifisare here evinced that teach the lawfulneffeof an idle life, their monkes aas they taught before an art of lying in their equivocation. This being the will ofGod, we muff fweeten the wearineffeofour callings with this confederation, and muff make our daily labours an obedienceof faith to his Ordinance; So it (hail come to paffe that though God doth not releafe usquiteof labour, yet hewill cafe us of wearifomeneffe, and makeour labours delightful' to us. That which ssgood,] that is,lawfull and profitable; Obferve hence: That oarcagingmuff be abatis[itch things as are honeff and beneficial: Wemuff labour; fo doe theeves themfelves, I, but about that which isgood : this isa rulein callings, theymuff be about fuchthingsas are lawfull; fuch things as make with the goodof Church,Family,Com- mon.wealths : and therefore thekindcs of calling we rcade of in the Scripture, theyareeither Church callings, or ferving to politic, or ferving theparticular good one of another, as husbandry, merchan- dife, handie-craft,&c. It isbetter be idle then ill occupied. So that manymay be hence convinced; the Rage-players, they la- bour, but what tends their labour to.' the corrupting of the mind and fraighting it with vanity : the common llfurer, he occupieth himfelf, butabout thatwhich is not good.Thepedlar-likeParafete,the tradsthat make ornaments for fuperfluous curiofitie, dice-making; the A(trolo. ger,Alchytnift, &c,the one labouringin that which it cannot foretell, the other in that which cannot be found out. We muff have care I there-