-,-..11411 S1¢ rÇe a. Prov.6.t I. Prov.x;.zr. Doll. All whom God bleffeth with fubifante mutt dot goodto others. I. r Iohg.r7. Whom itbe- longeth to givealines. Howweare to give aimes. t Cor.&.g, Inwhat order aimes mu4 be given. Ephefian.r, Chap.g.. `!T s R. 28. that for their good God doth call them to glorify him by patient walking inthat eftate. This mutt teach idlewretches what they may look for, evenpenu- ry and confufion; Poverty like an armed man invadeth the/lothfo l; it hath a warrant fromGod to arreft them,Theflothfull /had a ¡loathed in ragges; as many as might have donewell,by this have been brought to live on the basket. 2. That he may have to diffribute.] Obferve hence,That defeat whom God bleffethwith any meafureoffubftanee, we mull doegood toothers;even this is required here of the labourer, that with his handy -work did gethis living. Godhath givencharge of this, G4l.6. io. i robs 3. 17. Luke z 1.41. Beh.15.r6.This is the bleffed manspraétice,Pfal, 112.9. Be diflributed,begave to thepoor,andhis righteoofireffe enduretbfor ever; & the primitiveChurch did not onlyordinarilyrelieve their own poor, butextraordinarily tent reliefe to other Churches, theThefalonians, Ails I I.z 5. the Macedonians and themofAchaia, I Cor. 16.2. Rem.15 But for the better conceivingof this,three things muft be opened. T. Who are to giveaimes, and whether the Commandement doe liealike upon all perfons. 2. How faare. 3. In what order. For the i. this is not given toall , but to thofcthat have goods and power to diftribute them, Ifone bath this worlds(4fiance, faith St john, either of themfelves or from other; forComehave goods and power to give them, as the Matter in his family;fome haveneither goods nor power to dittribute them, as fervants toa man,unleffe they haveLome elate of their owne which many have not:Thirdly,fome have right and property in goods, but have not abfolute powerto difpence,as wives: Now the Commandement is firft and chiefly given to matters or perlons that havegoods and power todifpofethem without depen- dance. t. It is given to others, but fo as the fixth Commandement mutt {landwith the fifth; theymuff give foas honour the fuperiour to whom they are fubjeft, with having hiswarrant. For the fecond,we mutt give that which we are able to fpare. Li- beralitymuff not devour her felfe, Prov. 5. 15,16. Let thyfoustaines raune abroad,bot lot them be thine,not anthers: theufe muff be focom- municated, thatour property in themmuff not be altered. Yet in Come cafe, asif the body of the Church fhouldbe in lack, for the common good, fuch particular perlons ashave that grace given them and are raifedup to it by God, may impropriate all their fubflance to the re- liefeof it. Ifwe will performe this duty acceptably; we muff look to three things. . To the groundofour almes. a. Tothe end. 3. The manner. r. The ground of it muff be a loving and merciful' heart, this is the