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V s x. 28. Epbefians,Chap. q... S'55 the fouleofan Alms deed, it we fhouldgive all we have withoutlove, our oflove. it were nothing. 2. Wee muff doe it onely eyeingGods glory and our neigh- To Gods glo- bours good ; not for oftentation. He that díflributeth mull doe it in ry- fimplicity ; many will found trumpets and blaze abroad their deedsof Bom.ra.6. this nature. 3. For the mannerof it, it mull be readily ; se ready to difirihute. Rea,ily,cheer- r Tim. 6.18. cheerfully; God lovetha cheerfullgiver. Liberally; He that i`'cor9eßity foweta arángly, (hallreape daringly. Thistherefore thar God will have even the labourerthat fetcheth Vf t. his money out ofthe fire, that of his little wherewith he is bleffed, he Meer fnperfu. fhalldiftribute, it do:h rvince of Vanity, many fchoole difcourfes marreofhe that runne upon this asif meer fuperfiuity werematter ofmens aimes. aimes. For the labourer was not when now he had feathered himfelfeand got his crummes up, when he was come to fome good eftate, then to give, but weekly, it was the Apoffies cuftome to ordaine coileétions for the poore, t Cor. 16. Again, this doth rebuke the hardnefl'e ofheart inmany,who being AV s. rich, will not part with any thing,they have their thefts full of the Against the lives ofmen, that theymay be called the fepulchres inwhich the poor neffe offome areburied; though the Scripturetels you thatno loveofGod is in fuch in not giving. a perfon, yet the devill will whifper many excufes. Whys that we have is our owne, we take not our (elves bound in oil.g. this cafe. It isyours at the Common law, but in the Court ofConfcience, it e_i, is not all thine, for thou art but a Reward and receiveftit from God, Their ezcufcs not to take it all thy felfe, but to give part ofit to others. aniveerd. Wemay lacktoo our fclves. obj.x. And you take the next way to it,for there is one thatfcattereth 6. bath Anf abundance, but he that f arethmore thenhefhould,Jhallcorne to want,Prov. 51.24. Nay this fhould makeus give to the poore, for this is lent toGod. Prov.19.7. If hard times come in which all fhould be gone,this ftock would be fafe for thee: Sowyour breadupon the Waters, Ecclefrt,r . we know not whattimes may come upon the earth. We havea chargeupon us, fervants, Children,&c. object. So had thefe poore labourers; this is an obje6lion ofth©fe that are :4.1t. full offelfe love, void of love, foPaid Nabal, Shall I take myfervants meat? Butthough he had nothing for David, yet he fealts him felfe like a King, and though the gluttonhad no crummesfor Lazarus,yet he could cloth himfelfe in purple,andfaredelicioufly every day. Luk®,6.r9. We are poore (fay fomc.) object. So might thefe have Paid. vfnf. Aman need not be a Crcefus togive an aimes , remember the wi- dew, Ifwehavea willing mind, weare accepted according to that we have. 2 COLt.Is. Look not at thefe windes, and cloudes, they will neither let you fow nor reap for your fouls health. 3. It is tobe marked that he biddeth them not fteale and diftribute, but