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V a 8.29,30. Ephefaans,Chap. 4. There are poore who having fomething and taking pains, yet cannot from it make fufficientfupply oftheir wants;now theft likewife are tobe holpen. Wefee therefore hence that our luffyVagrants are not to be relie. ved; and though in the timeof Chrift therewere fome begging, yet it was quite betides Gods inftitutión. Secondly, He faith to themthat have need,not to the good that have need: meeting withthe excufesof many,whobecaufe the poorare fo naught, will not doe for them; whereas if they have need, though they want grace, wee mutt doegood to them. Doe good to all, though it is good husbandry to choofe the beft , fo much as may be. This doth reprove the bountifulneffe of many which is toward thofe that are not in need , that can returne the like, they bring Water to the Sea,are full offelfe love,void of mercy ; ifye doegood to themofwhom ye hope to receive goed,whatfangular thingdoeyou? doe not Heathens andPublicans thefame ? VERSE 29. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your menthes; but that whichugood to the artofedifying,that it may miarler grace untothe hearers. 3o. vtndgrieve not the holySpirit ofGod,by whichye arefoaled to the day efredemption. Now followeth a Precept of fpeecb, amplified by a reafon. The Precept layette down; r. What words wemuff avoid. 2. What communication we muff ufe; which isdefcribed by the end. r. Set down, goedto the up of edifying, or needfull edifica- tion. 2. It is expounded, what is good foredification,that which misiflrethgrace to thehearer. The reafon is this: That muff not be donewhich gricveth theSpirit: This doth. Thedefcription of the Spirit from fobleffed a fruitor effect ofhim, dothprove the propefition:He whofealeth youto theday ofredemp- tionmuff not begrieved. In thewordsofthe 29. verfe this only is to be opened : what is meant by corrupt fpeech t.tnf. Notonely filthy fpeech,butall fpeech that hath not thelife ofgracc, that edifyeth not; The Word is[rotten.] For look as ina putrifiedCorps there arc 3. things5 r. Aprivation ofthe foule and life ofit. 2. An entrance ofcorruption. 3. A heavy fmellwhichpaffeth from it. Soin fpeech which is rottenand putrified, it wanteth grace to quicken, it hath corruption in it, it caftetha favour forth offenfive to thedifcerning foule. For the 3o.verfe,there are 3. things tobe mar- ked. C c c a. That Yfe 3. Mat.s,46, Lukc 6.34. Whatiscor. rapt *etch, ver.3o