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SSg Ephefians, Chap. 4, V a a.29,io How the holy Spirit doth grieve. Co h.3.3 3 How we are fealedby the holy Ghoft. venz9 Verlo. We mull make coafcience of cvill words. I. That that the Spirit is Paid togrieve,not that forrow or any fuch ficke paffion dothbefall it, but becaufe it doth that which they doe that receive grievance. As a gueft in an Inne being molefted will with-, draw himfelfedifpleafed: So theholy Ghoft is Paid to grieve whenhe not manifeft his comfortable pretence, and furceafeth his com- fortable wort,ing in us,fhutting it upas it were indifpleafure. For [Sealing] mark that this phrafe is ufed interchangeably twixt God and us, he is faid to feale us, we toput Seale to him that be is true. The latter is nothing but believingGod.Now what this fealing ofus meaneth, we (hail better underftand, if we confider the ufe of Sea- ling. r. It doth inclofe things and provide for the fecrecy of them , as fealing letters, and thus we arc fealed, a Pealed fountaine, becaufe the things that are given us, are hidde from the eyes of the blind world, t leh.3.t. But this fenfebelongeth not to this place. z. To feale a thing is tomark itand diftinguifh it from other, loh. 6.27. Him bath Godthe Fatherfealed. 3. It doth confirm things andmake them authenticall,as in all kind ofinftruments, they are blankes till the Sealebe palled : Now theft laic fcnfes may here be conceived; By whomwe are marked forth and fet apart to redemption, as alto inwardly allured touching our finali deliverance from all evil(, and glorious libertyof the fons ofGod: And I think the former ofthefe molt fitly meant; for in r Cer. r. the holy Ghoft diftinguitheththefe things, the Confirming, and anointing, and (idling ofus. Redemption ishere put for the redemptionofthebody,whenwe (hail be delivered from all bondage into the full libertie oflthe fonnes of God. The fumme ofthewords is this : " You that are Chrifts true Scholars mutt not think that to re- "fraine grolle deeds is enough, and that words are free, but " you muff make confcience as well offinfull and idle rotten " words as ofevil! deeds, and though that many evil) things " will beat your tongues end, yet have hayof your lips, as " not to let any rotten word come out of your mouth, but " when you are to fpeak, fee your fpeechbe good toedifi. "cation ; that is, be fuchas either the matter or manner ofit, "orbothmay encreafe the graces ofGod in them that heare "it: And the rather you mull doe this, becaufe this finfull "idle difcourfedoth grieve theSpirit ofGod, whodeferveth "no fuch thing at your hands,for he doth, working in you, "both allure you inwardlyand fet a mark upon you , that in " thegreat Day of the Lord you may have full redemption. a. Then wefee that we that arenew Creatures inchri fE mull make can Peace well of evil!words ,rsevid'workes. Forhe that is a new Crea- ture mutt as well get a newtongue as a new hand ; our tongue hath the poyfonofafpes under it, it is gone with corruption, that all the fait