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V a R.29. Epbefianr,Chap. 4: 559 fahin Roomewill not fetch it againc. Againe idle words (hall bee anfwered for in our reckoning before the judgement feate of God, cmath. r 2.36. Thirdly, Words, looke what kind they are of, fuch kind ofheart they manifefl: for as money by the ring, or lungs by breathing; fo theheart is feen infpeech, for it venteth it felfe in fpeaking. Afinfull fpeech argueth a finfull heart, words of wind, a windy foule fraught with Iightneffe. Laflly, Words are contagious, they corruptgood manners : they fret = Oz.., 33- agangrene; and it is undecent to belch out rotten language; Civi- lity teachethus tohide our breaths, ifthey be notfweer, from the dif- cermng of others; and Chriflian modefly fhould teach us to hide the ftinckeof our Putrified Soules, andnot toperbreak it in thehearing of others. Sting therefore that Chriftians muff refraine finfull and unfruitful! r words,manyare reproved who have the old tongue in their head !till, R d fe a prophaning Godsname, curfrng,fwearing ,tauntiog,railing,detraéì:ing, glozing,&c. their talke is of thisnature: And others ofus doe fill our And idle mouth; with idlefpeech,which tendeth to nothing but to promote fpeech. laughters; and we think that wemull bemerry, we meane no hurt in it, if we never doe worfe, we may be borne with. Whereas our rotten bleat doth argue we are not found fheep : And this idle talkeit is the devils minftrelfie , for while wee drinke this in and utter it de- lightfully , the devil! fetcheth a nap, have they never fo good things otherwife. a. Weft, that we mull exercife our filves to haveflay ofour tongues : Del. Let no rotten comeforth ofyour mouth, though it will come upon We mutt have you, and thruft it felfeforward,yet flay it , let it not proceed forth oat ofyourmouth. Li wifeman refraineth his lips, kecp,ncev7l Ifa man refraine not his tongue, his religion is in vaine, lam, r, 26. It fpeech. was David ,- pradlice,Pfal.39.r. 1PaidIwill take heedto my waits, that Ioffend not with my tongue; for it is as unruly member : and therefore we had need todeale with it betime, and topray God to keep the dore of our lipsfor us : And whenwe fence our grounds and hedge them about, how muchmore fhould we fenceour mouths, far life anddeath is in the tongue. Prov: :; So that they are wide that will fometiine when they havefpokcn e- Pfc. vili, defendit thus; Why,as good fpcak itas thinkit, we are no hypo- crites: But iffuch learne not to keep the doreof their mouth,and feale up theirlips,it is tobe feared, they (hall bite their tonguesforgrief,as it is faid offomeinRev. r 6. when God (hall takeaccount ofidle words. 3. We Pewhat kind offpeech we are to of in our Communications, Dell. fpeeches ofgrace, minifiringgrace : The righteous mans words are like om.fpeech filver, bic lips mufffeedmany.The ¡AO man muff talke ofwifdome, for ought ro mine. theLawof God is in heart: andEzek.47. 12. The righteous is 4ergrace, 47' g u man Prov.:o.agaa faidtobefuchatree,whofeleaves,thatis ,whofewords,arelfedicinable. Pra.37,3g;,. as admonitions, reprehenfons, confolations doe heale;.and the Ccc 2 Church,