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VER.30. F,phe/ans,Chap. q:. 56i but be ill for us;for Heb.t3. 17. the holy Ghoft biddeth us obey oryr teachers, for they watchforour feals,,a they that moll give account, that they maygiveit with joy, andnot with gritfe; if they be grieved,it is not well for us: ifthe grieving menbe hurtful! to us, how great hurt doe we our felves when our God is grieved. By whomyeare[taled onto the day ofRedemption.] Now followeth the defèription of the Spirit from the fealingofus: and firft that weare Doti. marked to redemption, itdoth teach us, The certaintyofourfálvatian, our falvation how fsere we are never to mifcarry. For thofe that were marked , iscerraine as Ecek.9.6. the Lords Charge was that they fhould not be cou- fealedby the ched , and Exodus 12. the !lodes that were marked, the deftroy- SPrrrt. ing Angel did not come neere them. And things to which the Seale is put, are out of doubt : and truely the ftatc of Gods chil- dren in whom is his Spirit is fuch, as they never can totally nor fi- nally lofe this Spirit; For it is an everlafting life wherewith they I; are quickned, not like v4dams which had not perfeverance added to it. Againe, our head the fecond LÁIam iea quickning Spirit, fuch a a; one who doth expel! death and give himfelfeas our head, and by confequence all his members fucha life as cannot die. Rom. 6. io, a Cor.15.45 The Devil!is ftinted at this, that he (hall not be able to hurt,un- 3, le(fe it be the keeleof Chrift, Gen. ;.15. Now if he fhould utterly by temptations putout the life ofGod in them, he fhould wound them at the heart. But againft this collection two things may be objedìed. t. That in deed it muff betrue which the Spirit fealeth, and there- objet-I. fore it is truethat they (hall finally comeunto it but yet they may fall quite away in themeane while. To which is anfwered,that ifthey could totallyfall, they fhould fi- Anf Daily fall alfo. 2. It maybe faid, that thofe things are true that the fpirit fealeth, objet?. but true onely in that manner it fealeth them ; Now it Both feale our redemption upon Condition that we belceve and perfc- vere. Conditionall promiring doth not hurt the Certainty, but when vinr: the Condition is doubfull; now the Condition is out of all doubt, for God hath abfolutelypromifed to worke it in us; Theis the au- thor and finiJber of Faith, he will confirme ass, he will perfed his good works. This is comfortable that I may affure my confcience while I ftand y e. that (hall have redcmption,becaufe thegraces of the Spirit which I Which do- find,are Gods mark, andthe feale tome ofmy falvation; This is corn- Brine is fun fortable when I (hall fall , that my fallscannot bring me under death, of-comfort' feeingGod bath marked me toeternal life. And thisdoth not breed fe- Nor. dash it curity,but asthe mercyofGod,it teacheththe faithful foul to fear,and breedf«Griry. asthe grace of God,it teacheth towalkgodlily.Whereas this doctrine C c c 3 that