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omPPIEll 562 Ephefian,r Chap.g.. V gR.3t, rfe 2. Outwardmat- ters cannot af- fure us ofCal- vation. Rom.1. ag. e . We mull feeke and keep the holy Spirit withfpeciall care. Doti. Our redempti- on is not here fun. Prov.4, 18,09. Luke 11.18. VERS. 31. that teacheth us that we may lofe all grace, it doth make our falvati- onas uncertaine, as if it were not indeed and effectually fealed; when I ammolt necre it , it is but a peradventure , fall of doubtful! uncer- tainty. Again,here we fee that no outward thingcan fo affure us that wemay reft in it, it is theSpirit of God whichdoth feale us, and afl'ilre us of our full redemption, we are ready to 'cane upon reeds that will breake and faite us. Numb.t 6.3. Allthe peopleofGodare holy ; the Temple, the Temple. weare thechildrenof Abraham. Thefe outward matters men have alwayes prefumedonto their deftruttion : For it is notCircumci- fionwithout, but it is inward, that is Circumcifion before God; it is not our outward profeffion, nor our external!fervices , nor our being baptized, but it is the Spirit ofGod inus, enlightning us, and fanttì- lying us, which onely can give us affurance that wee are Gods, and heiresof falvation. Rom.8. t ç. The Spirit bearethwitneyewithour fpl- rits,thaswe are the children ofGod. This doth let us fee with what carewe fhouldkeepe and feeke the Spirit ofGod, for wee do keep our leales boxed up that theymay not be broken: and ifwe have Deeds ofanymoment drawn that wit hevery beneficiali tous, we will not be quiet till the Peale be paffed : So fhould wee feeke the Spirit by prayer , by comming to his Ordi- nances, bycareful! and diligent obedience, that wee may have our confciences fealed, fully affured of our full redemption. Suppofe we were all malefactors, and the King fhould fend word that at the Afii- fes all ofus that had not the great Seale to fhew, fhould fuffcr, but the other fhouldbe received tograce, and rcltored to their liberty: foit is withus. Laftly, that he faith,[To theday ofredemption,] It doth let as fee that we havenot ourfullredemption asyet: our life is fuch that the belt is laft, the deeper we goe in ittheTweeter. The way ofthe righteous is like the Sun whichdothThinebrighter and brighter tofull f rength, whereas the way of the wicked is like to travailers that have a timely fhine when they are letting forth, but when they are a little goneon it thickens, andturnes to Clouds and ftormes ; though it fmoake a little awhile, we fhouldcomfort our felves in this, we !hall have a blazeanon : Re- joyce,foryour redemptiondraweth xeere. V E R S E 3t. Let adbitterneffe, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and eviläfpeaking beput awayfrom you with all malice. Now followeth aPrecept forbidding wrath particularly, amplified by another commanding the contrary: the wrath is double, that which is lefib Browne, in the firft part, or that which is fctled, in the tail, with maliciaafnefe. The firfl is feeslowneas it is in the affection. The fecond as it is in the Word. In the affectiona threefold di- flemper, 1. Bitternefîe. 2. Fierceneffe. 3. Wrath. In