V s x.31. Ephefians, Chap. 4. In whole two thingsmuff be marked, z. The thingsto be avoided. 2. Themeafure,bitterneffe, afbitterneffe. T. Thenwee fee ; That all true chriflians mugavoidbitterneffe. Be- Doaá. fore wecan dchort from it, we muff know what it is. nirtcrnefre is For anfwer; It is a fmothereddifpleafure of which one will not be r° be avoided knowne, that maketh a man a burthen to himfelfeand others, till it WhatIt be digcffted : for this wrath is fuller ofdi(content then revenge, and it is a fret that ranckles inwardly; we will not be known of the caufe, often; It is fome matter that we cannot mend our (elves in,often fome frith thing we are afhamed tobe knowne ofit, it is fo unjuft a caufe of moving us, and this maketh the other, the tedioufneffe ofit, for a fire when it bath no vent mull needs be violent. We therefore that are Chrifls, mull beafhamed to thinke how it trp, hath beene fometime with us, whenour foules have been full of bit: Bade .efts of terneffe, and wee have gone with fecret difpleafure champingon the it tr, us. bridle , eating our owne livers, looking on our deareft friends fo fowre and malecontent, being implacable: For this birterneffe, the more a man would with gentleneffe overcome it, the more it will burne fometime, like as lime doth with water; When all our behavi- ours have tailedofthe gall ofbitterneffe. For as in the Jaundife,all the skinne is coloured when the gall overfloweth : fo all our looker re- ceive a tia lure when this bitterneffedoth deeply poffeffeus. All mutt avoid this, efpecially husbands to wives. Husbands love your wives, Co!. .3 andbe not bitter to them; there is bitterneffe in a more large fenfe. The next word [wrathor fierceneffe] noteth an impetuous anger whar wrsrh or that is headily carried, not hidden, as the firft, but manifcft, foone up, soruoffo ¡s, foone allayed, for it is too violent to hold. This men ofhot bloodare fubjedì: to, and they thinke it the leffer, becaufe it is but a brunt, they have foone done, and are forry for itafter : But take heede how that hellilh fire kindleth, for it endangereth the whole Rate ofa man : It is a phrenfie for the time; where were we ifGod fhouldnot keepe us! The third is[anger]fct upon defire ofrevenge ; but of thefebefore; Doíf. andClamour: mark then, How theregoeth difirder in words with difor- D ;rordaed words will go: dered affetìons; andhow we muff avoid the one aswell as the other. w,rh difordcred For as fire kindled here or there will fatten upon thenext thingsunto affe@ ions. it, ifthey are combuftible: So this fire ofhell burning in the heart will fallen on the tongue &hand,ifit be not more timely quenched; More particularly loud clamours and unfeemly elevating the voice , is a companion ofanger. When Lamech was angry we fee howhe did Gen.4.z 3,14. take on and breathout loudmenaces prefently tokill and flay: So the Jews, whenby Pilats fa& waffling his hands,their galled Cnfciences were furred, they cryed, Cruci¡ Jy crucify him, him: So Pauls enemies: Mat.nr.z;.' AGts 115,4. So the Ephefianoangryat Demetrius his fuggeftioncryed, Great is Dia- naofthe Ephefians: So AEts -7.3. Stephens enemies criedaloud andran on him. And this is it we mull Tike heed of. We muff not when we are angry ufe any inordinate fpeeches : but efpeciallywe muff take heed o