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w 56¢ ' Epheflans, Chap.q.. V E R.31. D. We muff take heedofevill fpeakirig;and curfed fpea- king, Pfal,iog, ry. Some fpeeches which are re- vilings in one are but re- proofes in a- nothet. Luke 24,z5. b1ar.16.2.3. Doli. Malicioufneffe istofhunncd. What malicli, oufneßè is. Itappeareth ;. wayes, Prov,z6,z6. of Petting up the throat, fo that the houle we are in will fcarce hold us. Thenextthing is evil! fßeaking. Obferve, That we muff take heedof miforderly /jeech, but much more ofcurfed fpeech : This evil! fpeaking may be againff God, Efay8.21. Blajphemy is the daughter ofanger of- ten, againft our neighbour,our felves, fuchas imprecation , revilings, &c. For this to ufe curfed language is dangerous to us ; He loved cur- ffng,andit(hall light on him: Such ascaft up (tones in the aire may crack their ownecrownes. Againc, men fhould not, dealing with thedevil!, ufe curled fpeaking. The godly blelle fuch as curie them, for the tongue of Canaan is their fpeech, and this doth taffy them to be the Lords children:But fuch on the contrary as ufe curfed fpeaking , a man may fay to themas the men faid toPeter, Thouart one ofthem,for even thy /Beechbewrayetb thee; thou artone ofthe hellifh brood,for thy language is devilifh: An Englifh man is known by fpeaking Englifh. Yet we muff know that the fame words which arc revilings in fome, arebut juft reproofcs inother forre : For ifone from love of a Party and hatred of his vice doe (tomake him afhamed) call him foole, it is not tobe counted curfed fpeaking; Chrift called the ¿ifciplesfoolifh, Peter Satan, Paul called the Galatians roughly: The fame action, as the bereavingof life, is in a magiftrate Juftice,inanother is murder: So the fame fpeech comruing from divers grounds to diversends, maybe lawful! in one,unlawfull in another. With all Malicioufnefe.] Obferve, another root ofbitternefe which we mu]!root Out,v:L ssalicioufnefe5 it is well filed on the fame firing with thcfe former,for ufually it is engendred of wrath:for aswine tut. neddoth make vinegar, fo wrath feticd and encreafed in us becom- meth hatred. Of this two things.. r. What it is. a. How it dothmanifeft it felfe. It is a finfull affection which doth feparate and make usevil! difpo- fed towardour neighbours: and though fometimeit is profefíed, yet for the molt part it is fmothered. Now it doth appeare 3. wayes: I. It fpeaketh evil! and pra5lifethopenlyor underhand againfi the party maliced,as in defephs brethrcn,they could not fpeak pea- ceably,and mark their practice, Gen. 39. Therefore the wife manfaith,Malice Thaibe di(covered in theech. a. It envieth at the good of ourneighbour, whether fpirituall or temporal!, thus Cain, Laban,Satil, the Princes ofDariue. 3. It dothmake one rejoyce when evill is befallen himone mali- ceth, as the Philiftines madeaPlay and folaced themfelves in the fight ofSatrgins mifery : the Drunkards made fongs of David. Now then we that are Chriftians muff away with this, we are by nature hatifull, and haters one ofanother : and it is exceeding natu- rail