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V E R.32. Epbefians, Chap.4. rail dot`trine, whichwe may learne without ateacher, ro have a fha- dowof love to our friends, but true hatred to our enemies. And it is in the naturali mans judgement a good wifdomc to carry faire wea- ther in the countenance,but to fiton his skirts whom we brooke not. Whohath not fpoken hatefully ? WhoMath not had an ill eye at his neighbours comming one Whobath not laughed in his fleeve, when fometimehe hath croffed one he loves not , though it coft him the letting onto compaffe ite Butlet us put itaway , for our hope offe- crecie will faile us : Hatredcoveredwith lying lips ¡ballbe made manifefl in the a/fembly: let usnot care tobe men in this ; be babes in malician/ neffe: Ifye be notbabes in this regard you (hall not enter into the kingdomeofHeaven. Now babes if they be angryand fight toge- ther, they will be friends prefently. The name of it fhould make it odious,for the word is aslarge as raynah with the Hebrews,which fig- nifieth the evill of punifhment; all naughtineW(e : But therefore figni- fieth malicioufneffe, becaufe it is the chicfekinde of wickedncfle , as wecall the Plague bythe name ofthe Sickneffe, a name common to all difeafes,becaufe this is the principali kindeofall other. Now the quantity followeth,ifwe fay he is a malicious man,we fayevery thing that naught is. VERSE 32. Andbekinde one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another,even uGodfor Chrijis take hathforgivenyou. Now this dehortation isamplified by acontrary exhortation to the oppofitevenue, which is fadowne, a. Inparticular in thisverfe, and the next. 2. In general, in the fecond verfeof the fift chapter: particular hath r. A Commandement. The P 2. A Reafon. ThePrecept commandeth two Chriflianaffet`tions, ¡mertefie. Mercy. Secondly, a fruit declaring them, forgiveneffe: For many will fay they aregentle,goodperlons asneed be, ifthey be let alone, and yet offended they willnot forgive : nowthere are neither gentle no mer- ciful!. But becaufe this dutygoeth againft the haire,the Apoftle doth urge it with reafon : Thatwhich Cirift hath done toyou,you mutt do to others : Chrift hathdone thus; therefore you. The fecond part is in this verfe, the concluflon in the firft verfe of the fifthChapter. But becaufe one might fay, Why Jbouldwee be followers ofGod inall thingsa therefore the Apoftle proverb this : Children mutt imitate their fathers : You are Gods beloved Children ; Therefore,&c. r. Then we fee what is a versawe muffthewforth, even curtefse; for we=a Phew this our God goeth before us in, Tit. 3.4. Kindneffeorcurtelie to fornccu"ere mankinde, itis a verruethat maketh us carry our (elves amiably and what ú is. fweetly towards others, as may be gathered by the contrary , not bit- ter, and it may well be called the flowreof love , for it doth fwim in the topof all offices of love, and maketh the things we doe exceeding lovely; it is every where required ofus. Col.3.r a. Puton (as theFled 56$ Prov.zóz6. I Cor;14.1o. VERS. 32. r