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06 j Ephefians Chap.q.. ÿ$R,32. Whcrcinit theweth it Celle. FP. Vices contrary toit. Mat.rr.t8. Yfe 2. Dolá. We mull be mereifull. Co1.3.rz,r;. Wherein it ílandeth. z Cor.u.zg: Mat.y.;6. efGod) bowels ofmercy,kindnefe,&c. Curtefie,itis a fruit of the Spirit, Gal.5.23.The n ìfdomfrom above is gentle,iam.3. r7.Eafietobe intreated. Now it fheweth it felfe ; r. In the matter and manner offpccch. a. In refpct tiveneffe of our carriage and gefluresof re- verence. 3. In fomeappropriate worksofit. For fpeech, it doth make it kind¢ and affably uttered; quite contra- ry toCams language, . i4m Imy brothers keeper ? For this, looke what fweet language L4braham gave to the fonsofHetb: and how gently he intreated the Angels, Gen.18.23. And fo for the fecond,it makcth one put honour uponanother. The works ofit are many, as r. Ulu. all falutations. 2. Commendations,Rom.r6.3. Going forthto meet our friend on the way, taking our leave kindly, 8. t E. Thefe are fufficientto give a tafle of therefl : Religion is mannerly and he is an unmannerly Poutsthat thinketh he may fpeake currifhly, flying away unrefpeetively bymen,negles1 fuch circumftances as are named, he is fo farre irreligious. Many are hence rebuked; fome fwaggering ones that think ittheir glory to looke big and carrya proud countenance, give a currifh an- fwer, they thinkit anhonour to contemne every body, men hateful! to Godand men. Again¢, our common rudeneffe,our melancholicke waywardneffe, uncivill auflerity, which will make people as they didby John, aske ifwehave a devill in us: we muff not take upa foolifh imitationofexamples extraordinary. 'Wemuft!carne to graceour religionwith fanckified mannerlineffe,' and muff be curteous, yettake heed ofpopularity, let us not be curte- ous as Abfolom, this is as bad as morofitie. What ifthefe things bee but complements, they areofgreat moment unto love, and howwas the difcourtefreof the Ammonites avenged. Take heed offlarrerie, ofapifh fuperfluitie, asa deale ofkilling the hand, fcraping, cringing, overfpreading the countenancewith a fmile. a. Weefeethat we mull all ofus bemerciful! : Beye merciful!asyour heavenly Father is merciful!: Put on bowels of mercy as the Elea of god. Now thisdoth containe two things; this being tender hearted: a. That we be touched with the miferies wefee. 2. That we be inclined and inwardly moved to yeeld them relief¢ : the one followeth upon the other. Thus lob.3o.a5. he did weepe with thofe that did weepe , and his foule wastyred for thofe that were in heavineffe : SoS. Paul, Who ú wake, and 1am not weake ? Who is grieved, and I borne not ? And this the word principally intimateth, a man whofe bowels yearne eafily; and thiswas in Chrift, his bowelsweremovedforthem : Hence follow- eth the fecond, awilling mìnde to help, for he that is throughly tou- ched withgriefe for his brothers cafe, will put thebelt legge forward, and be ready to help : Chriflians thenmuff get fellowfeeling in mi. fery and readineffe of will to relieve , and then all the workes both fpi-