VAR .32. Ephefian.r, Chap. g.. fpirituall and corpprall would follow. Firft, then we fee our fenfelefneffe here reproved, that littleare broken at the breakingoflofph, that whenwe come to thofe that are in fmart, aske how they doe,&c. but have no bowels of compaflion furring in us, are no more moved then ifwe were marble : There are few workes of mercy, but leffe oftenderneffe of heart. We mull labour for the affeó&ion of mercy. n. If we were fellow members, how could it be but we fhould be touched e for there is a fympathy betwixt them. z. Again, this mercy is moft acceptable to God, he preferreth it beforehis outward worfhip, I will have mer- cy, not facrifice : and it is not the worke, but the affesliotì that is the mercy God looketh at: he is a fpirit. 3. How can wee comfort our felvesor affureour felves that we are righteous,ifwewantthis toward our brethren, when ajuft man is merciful! to his bee? Now followeth tine fruit teftifying ofthefe vertues [forgiving one another.] Whencewe fee,rhat this is aduty ChriftiansmuIIpraïlife,they muff remit offences which aredone them, Col.3.12. Mat. 6. For the better underffanding, we muff open three things. 1. What it is to forgive. 2. What it is we doe forgive. 3. In what order, whetherwe are bound to forgiveifone will not aske pardon, becaufe the Commandement Luke 17+ and cat .2r,22. doth runotherwife. Forgiveneffe includeth three things. t. A removal! ofall inwarddifpleafùre;a man mutt forget,that is,he muff have no ireful! remembrance of the injury done him. Levit. 19. 18. Thoufhalt not avenge, nor be windfallofwrong againft thechildren ofthypeople; Contrary to fach as will forgive, butnot forget. 2. Aman muff not endeavourany way to revenge : Which mee- teth with inch, who though they will deny that they beare ill will, orareangry, yet theywill lecke to come evenwith fachas haveoffen- ded them. 3. Aman muff be fo lovingly affeéfed as if be had not beene of- fended, that is, hemuff in love be ready to doe any good to the party offending, according as God miniffreth occafion and ability; lofefh forgiving, was ready to feede his brethren with the belt , who would fometime havefed themfelveswith hisblood ; Which is tobee mar- ked againff filch as will forgive and forget , but they will have done with a man. For thea. in our offences, there is alwayes an offence againff God, fometime againft the Laws : no wee forgive not that debt which is owing to the juftice of God, nor that fatisfaótion which the Law challengeth;but that debtwhich is owing to us,our perfonall offence. Now in our offences are two things : r. The injury. 2. The dam- mage. This underfloor!, weeThall anfwer the queffion more eafaly. The injury is the want of that love which through Gods Ordinance myneighbour oweth me, with prefenceofthe contrary : The damage is 567 ft r. Yf 2. Weate to la- bour for this affeftion. Hof.6.6r. Prey.'2.9. Doll. Chriftians mutt forgive offences. Forgiveneffe flandeth in three things. is What wedot, and rust@for. give.