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V ER. 32. Epbefans, Chap.,+. fathers, who though themfelves like to live Libertines, yet theywill have their children nurtured by Puritans; but God is otherwife, what goodhe will have in us, that is inhim far moreexcellentlyand incom- prehenfibly. vis Godin chriff ;] orChrift : Some reade Chri(l,the thing is not much to be flood: Rom.8.39. The loveofchrif1, or the loveofGodin ehriff, are indifferently ufed , and asit feemeth isexpreffe the fame thing: and to readeGodherefeemeth more probable, Be you.therefore followersof Gad: The fcopeof it is from Gods example forgiving us,to drawis to forgiveneffe: Marke from it two thingsr I. HawGodsforgiveneffedoth eaufeustoforgive, this that thoufands Do¿l r. areremitted to us, mullmake rat willing to forgiveothers. Lookeas awall Gods forgi- Both coil heat to thofe that flood by, when the hot beames of the Sun ringus muff doe reft upon it : So we refleél pardon upon others when the beanies giveahers. ofGods pardon have fhined upon our hearts : which doth teachus three things.. r. Whomwee mull chiefely thankefor loveand all the fruits of love which our brethren Phew us,viz. God : His love to them maketh themthew love to us, his forgiving themmaketh them forgive us. 2: It dotb let us .how that our forgiving doth notdefervefor. giveuefle, becaufe it followeth and Bothnot goe before for none can forgive his brother that doth not love his brother; nonecan love hisbrother truly, that,loveth not God and his brother in him : none can love Godbut thofe that are firfl lo- ved of him, and have their fins covered with him. And this forgiveneffc is an aétion ofGod fmul &fmel , and therefore cannot be caufed by the fruits which followit,as morali verrues . caufe theaâionsofthem, and are againe increafed by their exercife. When the Scripture therefore biddeth us forgive thatwe may be forgiven, it meanethof the fenfe,that we may fede fealed to our (pints Gods pardon. 3. It doth teachus what we muff doe when we finde our love' cold, not ready toforgive,looke at God ; even as it is the next way towarmeus, to (landby a good fire : Sohour carts (fro- zen in regardof love) cannot be holpen better thenwith floo- ding in thofe games of Gods grace to us-ward. This teachethus the manner offorgiving which wee muff labour to Daft n; refembk; wemxflforgiveas Godbathforgiven; not that wee can with We muff for- equall perfei lion , but truly and in fome fort likeunto it , asthe fifth forgiv«hod petition. Now ifwe lookehow God bath forgiven us, we(hall finde; .tio v God r. That he hathforgiven us many fins innumber,great ones in nature: forgivech 2. He bath freely done it, though itcolt Chrift deare, we have it gra- tis.Rom.3.24. We areWiledfreely by his grace. 3. He bath done it perfectly, as all thofephrafes(hew, remembring them no more : remo- er. ;:.34' wing them44faras the Eaflfrom theWeff, ¿c. rra.,o;. « 569 Which doth teachus that we muff labour even thus to forgive: and Ili. D d d this