573 ak0_ WigSs:.L551 A COMMENTARY VPON THE FIFTH CHAPT R OF THE Epiftle ofS. P A u L to the Ephefiarts. CHAP. j. VERS. I. Be ye therefore followers of godas dearechildren. N this Chapter the Apoflle profecuteth, and conclu- deth his former exhortation, verfe 3i, 32. of the Chapter foregoing, touchingmutual' forbearingand forgiving wrongsand injuries done , and he Both in- force it from the example of Godhimfclfe, whobath pardoned and forgiven us all our fins in Chrift. And hecaufe it is a duty hard for fiefhand blood to come offwith, the A- poftle inferreth the example of Chrift himfelf,toperfwade Chriflians to brotherly love, from this confrderation how merciful' and graci- ousGod hath beene untous in pardoningAl al our finnes in Chrift, and how infinitely Chrift himfelfe hath abounded in love tous: Then the Apoftle inforcethhis Exhortation from the diverfeflee and condition in which thefe Ephefians were before, and now face their Calling, and thereupon dehorteth frommany vices molt unbe. Teeming the childrenofGod, and cxhorteth to the praCtife of thofe duties which belt fuited with their calling and condition. The lal part of the Chapter fetteth downe an exhortation to fubjeólion in fuch conditions of lifewherein it is required,efpecially in the married elate, that Wivesbe fubjeéf to their husbands, as the Church is to Chrift;where by the way is laid downe, that admirable myflerie of the fpirituall marriagebetwixt Chrift and his Church. The Chapter thencontaines three parts. The r . in the two fiat verfes, inferred from the latter part of the former Chapter. The 2. from the thirdverfe, to the aI. Ddd3 The