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574 Ephefians, Chap. 5. v g R. i. _ Dosi. Mar. 5.44,45 Ram. Z, :. EpI,. _ Z. Rom.,,.2I. , Pet.z.9. Rgafon . The3. from thence to the endof the Chapter. Inthe firft part we have 3. particulars to confider I. A dutyof imitation ofGod, as inother things,fo efpecially inforgiving and pardoning dffences. a. A duty of Love, we muff walke in love, as Chrift bath lo- ved us. 3. Touching theSacrifice of Chrift, wherein both the love of Godandof Chrift, are molt clearely manifefted toy: wardus. Beyet thereforefollowers ofGod: ] as if he had faid, howfoever men deale withyou and the world behave themfelves towards you, doe not you follow them to doe like them to reward evill for evill, but as Gods children,imitate and follow God your Father,and doe towards all menas he doth towards his enemies and towards all, who letreth his Sunne to thine ongood and bad, and his raine to fall on juft and unjuft, therefore faithChrift, doe ye fo that yee may be the children ofyour Father which is in heaven, that ye may prove your felves to be the true children of God your Father by this imitation of him. Obferve, We muff imitateandfollow Godonely,as in all things, f efecially in for, givingof wrongs and injuries done us. We mutt imitate none but God; I ray unto you,love your enemies,bleffe them thatcurfe you, doe good to them that hateyou, prayfor them that perfecute you : that youmay be the chil- drenofyour Fatherwhich is inheaven, &c. Fafbion not yourfelves accor- ding to this world; nor walke after the courfe ofthis world : to live in en- vie, wrath, andcontention, as we fee men to converle one with ano- ther, and to carry themfelves towards us; we mutt not learne their waysfo to behave our felvestowards them,but ifthey deale perverfly, unjuftly,and cruelly with us by lyes,fraud,and oppreßïon,we muff not doe thelike to them, but learne of Godour Father and imitate him to doe as he bath done to us, and to all, and to blefheas he bath bleffed us.Keepe not company with an angry man, leftthou learnt,his way to do like him,to be provoked to bitter words andations,againft him as he ufeth againft thee. He that willcompel thee to gee amile, ftrive not with him, but bemeeke andgentle, overcome his perverfneffe and ill qualities with the contrary goodnefTe,gee with him twaine. Be not overcome of evill, but overcome evil with good. This is true godlineffe, to lóoke to none but God , and to conforme our felves to none but to him, yea this is onely true and fincere obedience to all Gods Com- mandements in avoyding all finnesand praEtifrng all duties Gods law requires, not in imitation of men ,and fo fare as mens examples and !awes direct us, but as God himfelfe whogives us his example and Pets it before us to be imitated,as Saint Peter exhorteth, that we fliould fhewforth the venues ofhimwho bath calledus out of darkeneffe into his marvailous light. For we have no other perfe&light of good example in this darke world towalke by but Gods light; In thy light we(hallfee light. He is our