VfiR.ta pheftan.r, Chap. 5. our Sunne, andwe mug walke in the light au he is in the light, that wemay havefdowfhip one with another, in that light of his example of love, mercy, grace and goodneffe, wherein he reveales himfelfe to us in Chrilt and his Gofpell, and fhines tous. For all the world walks in darkeneffe, and gives us illexample or impeded; therefore to walke in the lighr,is to walke and worke in God, and after his example; and to imitateGod,is to make him and the light of his example our daily direótion towalke by. Again, whatfoeverwe doe after the light of Godsexample as our fuone, he is alfo our fhield to defendand faveus, tobleffe andprolper us, and fuch aEtions as we do according tohis will,and our workes can never fucceed ill beingwrought in God. We are Gods image, and therefore we mutt refemble him in all things as the fhadów the body : this is our happineffe and full per feifion, our conformity with God whofe image we are. And the goodneffeof all the good workes we doe,ftands not in the fubftance of the worke, but in relation and conformity to the rule and example by which theyare done,that theybe done in faith,which onely lookes to God,to imitate him; as the imageand fhadow is in formeand fhape like the body,fo it moves as the bodymoves : So we mutt walke af- ter theLord and follow him, and we are no longer in being or well being of foule or body, life or converfation, then as we follow God. We are Gods workemanfhip, created in Chrifi unto good workes, which he hash ordained that we fhould walke in them ; not fuch workes as the world fets before us, and mens example and our ovine flefh leads usunto, but fuch as God prepares. Howe partly by his owne exam- ple and praótice; for this end hath God created us anew to imitate and follow his example , as all wicked men are Satans workemanfhip, made fit to followhim. For triallof our nature, whetherregenerate and borne of God or ofthe world,we naturally follow the world and imitate it in all things, efpecially in wrongs and injuries, our nature is to doe to othersas we fee them doe tous. Butthe nature of Gods Saints is to lookeup to the Lord whoonelygives us the light ofbetter example. Every creature naturallydoth as it feeth thofe of its kind and nature to doe, in good orevill : hereby we may know our kind and generation, whether we beof God orof theworld. For inflru&ion, it letteth us fee what is true grace, holineffe, and what are good workesand Gods wayes, viz. fuch as by faith are wrought in rtfemblanceof God,lookingup tohim,and asbefore him, and done according to hisexample. Have we never fo good a nature, never fo glorious venues fhining in us; if they be not wrought in us after Gods image &glory fhining in the glaffe ofthe Gofpell,by faith ¡ ;i,anczin usinto Gods image, aswe beholdGod in Chrilt , they are Palle < ndcounterfeit: whatfoever good workes inworfhip of God or Ifervice of men, not wroughtafter Godhis wifedome, will, example, they Eph. z. Yfe vfe z,