Pfi3: Mac.g.48. Rom.8, Yfe. Deut.r4.i: Rom.8.r4: i Ephefzan.r Chap.5. theyarcwicked, cmicsb6. 6,7, 8. Humble thy felfe, and fubmit thy rcafon and will tobe íhaped according to Gods will, this is to walke withsby Gad. For confolation and encouragement to feeke grace andholines anda differing nature ltdconverfation from the world,and to beunlike to it; though thiseftate and condition,and this unconformitytothe worldbé maligned, defamed, hated and pert-anted as bate and vile, yet it is glo rions and precious with God, becaufe it is his image, our conformity and likeneffe to him. It isno bafe thing tobe fo precife and pure as to indurenoftaineof any finnein nature and life, it is to be like to God, Perfeil as our heavenly Father is perfell, holy its he is holy. This we muff ftrive unto, toconforme our felves to this gloriousimage and patterne tobe like to God in perfcâ halindle. To what other end is this mefl'age, that God is fuch a light as can difpence with nodarke- nell'e, andbath fent his Miniftcrs to preach this purity of his nature, buttothis end,to conforme us thereunto, that we fhould walke in the light as he is in the lights Therefore forgetting that which is behind, let usflrive tothat which is before, for thepriceofthe high calling ofGod in Chrifl. Doth. God call us to bonds, imprifonment, banifhmenr, and all kindes of mifery; it is no bafe effacehe calls us to be like him felfe, to beconformable lathe image oflis Sonne, to God incarnate, humbled, crucified. If we endure thefemiferies with Chrifts Spirit, mind, and heart, with like obedience, humility,love, patience, &c. in this we be- come followersofthe Lord Jefus Chrift. 2. In the fecond placehere Obferve; How the children ofGod muff walke after God, they muff doe the workes ofGod their father : Te are the childrenof the Lordyour God, youfhallnot cut yourfelves, as the heathens doe. And the Scripturedoth fey it downebothdenying andaffirming. Hethat is borne ofGod will not limn; he thatis of Godwill walke even as hebath walked. For looke as thofe that are brought forth by carnali generation have the naturali life their parents have, and commonly walke in their wayes, for when the horfe and mare trot, the colt doth fcldome otherwife : fo whofoever is begottenof God by fpirituall re- generation, bath the life ofGod, and will walke according to him, thefe are of equal! extent; So many as areGods children are led by his Spirit. Se many ies are ledby the Spirit are the Sonnes ofGod. More par- ticularly, in faying as deare children,it implies three things. r. Anfwerable to the honour and dignity of children, as becom- meththe childrenof God: Phil. 2. 15. As the Sonnes of God without rebuke in the midfi of a naughty and croaked generation. Children of Nobles confortnot with vile and bafe ones, it flames their birth, and it degenerates from trueNobility : So here. As it is the higbeft and aloft eminent honour and dignity,fo it requires a nature and converfa- tion eminent and tranfcendent aboy the courfe and converfation of this world,Phil.3. zo. our converfation is inheaven, &c. 2. Naturally, according to thenature of a childe, and that is hum- bly, mat. 18. 2, 3, c.Micah 6.7. Humble thy ¡elfeto walke with thy god, as