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57$ Ephefiafht, Chap.5. E tt.2. VERSE 2. r Iolm;.c6, them fuch a heart tofeave me! after the afflietion was over, they con- temnedholineffe. So many in fickneffe and troubles will be godly and imitate God, & leave the world, butafter as finfull and like Satan and the world as ever. You (hall fee flattering Parafites that will ferve, honour andimitate Kings and great perfonages,and conforme'totheir mindes and wills,morethen their naturali children,but notwith child. like hearts, but withbafe fpirits, for their bellies fake, for honour and profit fake; children doe fincerely,heartily, and naturally affeíi to bee like their parents, and love their fimilitude fimply for it felfe fake. Hadwe faith to removemountaines, could we fpeake with the tongue ofmen andAngels, were wenever fomuch enlightened, and had ta- fledof that heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghoftand of thepowers of the wórld tocome, if we have not thole vertues and graces communicated to us by regeneration, as are the ftampes and impreflions of Gods fatherly attributes regenerating us andconformingus to his divine nature, all wereofnoufe for any good we (hall reape by them. The ftrot geft reafon to perfwade to this con- formity with God , is this, becaufe he is Gods childe and beloved Sonneof God, not his Creature alone as all other. For we mutt obey God, not as beafts, or as llaves and fervants, but becaufe wee judge our felveshis children and himour Father. VE R S E z. Andwalke in love, even ao Chrifl hath loved ea, and bath given himfelfefor tee, tobe an offering anda Sacrifice ofa fweete finellingfavour to God. Now followeth the generaliexhortation, Walkein love, that is, let love be inallyourdeedes and workes which God bath prepared for you to walke in : the reafon of it ormanner of it is fet downe by ex- ample,or from comparifonofChrifts love which is firft propounded, Who lovedus. z. Amplifiedfrom theeffe&, andgave himfelfe for us to be an offering andSacrificeof afweetefinellingfavour to God. The latter words are fomewhat difficult. z. It may be asked,What it is togive himfelfe an offering e vinJia. To give himfelfeall todeath for us : For giving himfelfe for us, fignifieth dying for us, Gal. 2. zÓ. Who lovedme and gave him- felfeforme : the Scriptures make Chrifls lovetoRand in laying down his life. Hereby we perceived love that he layd downe his lifefor ea. Again,the Scripture knoweth no giving himfelfe tobe an oblation withoutfuffering, Heb. 9. 25, 26. z. It may be asked of the difference of oblation andSacrifice! Anfw. The firft anfwereth to the meat.offering, the other to the holocauft : the firft being an appurtenance of the other, which was the principali Sacrifice, and therefore cannot be a type of the Popifh abfoluteunbloodyfacrifice, Icing it was not a folitary Sacrifice, but an accefiarie of abloody facrifice. 2,efl. Whydoth he rather fpeake thus then fay, Chrift loved us and dyed forus t nfw. Becaufehe might thus point forth Chrift as the body and fubftance