VsR . Z. %phefians, Chap. 5. fubltance of all thofe ceremonial! facrifices, whether they were of livcleffe things or living creatures. ,e fi. The third thing is, What he meaneth by fweete (welling fa- vour ? Anfw. It noteth theeffe&or fruite of this facrifice, viz. the appea- fing of God towardus, for the Hebrewphrafe is, a favour of reft; the caufe is put for the effedt, a facrificepropitiatory : it is borrowed from the rife offinells,which by reafonof the content they have with our fpirits (as harmonie) doth ftill them when they are offended and dif quieted. SoGen. 8. at. The Lordfinelled a favour of refs, andfaid in bis heart, I willhenceforth curiethegroundnomorefor mans caufe,&c.Exod. 29.42, 43, 44, 45, 46. The fumme is this : « Whatfocveryou doe, doe it in love, confidcring how Chrift « hath givenyou example, whofe love we mutt follow,who " fo did loveus, that he gave himfelf.: all to death, bring the " body whereof all the legali oblations and facrifices were « fhadowes onely, that hemight laythe anger ofGod ju ftly " kindled againft us. We fee then, r. Tim we mull in all thingsChewforth love. I give you a new commandement, that you loveone another : a new Commande- Jcn. í3,;4. ment,as the Hebrew fay, a new fong : an excellent Commandement that fhall never wax old nor be repealed. Faith and hope (hall ceafe, but love(hall endure. Aboveallthings pat on love. Now as malic ap- col pcareth by the effedts of it, fo love by that which doth accom pany ir. Love therefore will make us diligent to procure the good of them we love. Love is full of fellow-feeling inmatter ofjoyand griefe.Mery loving a. Chrift, a fwordpierced her foulewhenhe fuffered. Love is patient, as in mothers loving their children is manifcft, 3. how they will endure breaking their fleepe by night, many a weari- Come hand in the day. It is hopeful!, perfwading it felfe the beft that may be ofmatters. It is humble, as in Chrift, lohn 13. he loving his Difciples wafbied S. theirfeete. Love then being accompanied with thefe fruites, we may fee how Yfe. wanting weare; Howare we altogether taken up in our owne things e How voyd are we of affedtions e if our owneskin be free, we care for nothing upon our brethren. How contentious, making tragedies of trifles, being in ftrife for nothing e How doth jealous fufpicions trou- ble us, impatience, a felfe willed pride &c. As Chrifl.] Obfervehence, Hewwe are tofet Chrifi before us for an DoC?. en[ample that are Chriflians : Heis our mafter, wemuff follow him that are his fcholars, yet this is not thus to be conceived that we fhould doe every thing Chrift did, or thatmen fhould not doe that Chrift did nor, but thatin generali every one inhis calling fhould give obedience to God as Chrift did. For, I. as Mediator he did things, which fo far forth