TheEpleDedicatory. oufnefle. For theChurches fake are thefe things thus publi- fhed : that though Ifrael play theharlot yet may not Judah tranfgreffe.And it will begood wifdome in Chriítians,amidlt all thefefearesanddif}rations, (which prove alto ditaé}ions to manya mans courfe of piety, efpecially in reading good bookes) towithdraw themfelves from the noifeand duffof theworld,and redeemeas much timeas they can, forperufing thofe holy truths which are here skilfully , and in a fpirituall manner, expounded. Mod unhappy is that man, who is too well knowne amongothers and at lad dyeth unknowne to himfelf. Toyou both, nobleSirs, ( beingby Gods providence and goodneffe neere neighbours, both in place and piety,) I am bold to dedicate thefe Meditations of that worthy fervantofGod, whole name is yet fo Tweet in the Church. Which I have adventured to doe ( not fo much to crave patronage for the Worke, which isable todefend it felfe, as ) to give you thankes publikely for your love to this poore Town of Kingftone , for your kind refpe& to us the Preachers, and your dailyattending at the Courtsofwifdome, whichmight be agood example to provoke the dulnefs ofour backward and negligent people : and oh that this late afflitti- on might awakenus all out ofthat deep fecurity , which had too muchpoffeffed us ! The (word is now come to fecond the' word : that, what wasnot done in amilde way, may be done ina rugged. And happywe if we fin no more left aworfe thing come uponus. I (hall beglad, if byperufing thefeTrea- tifes at leafure, there Thal] be any thing added to yourzeal in Religion, that you may get quit}more intoyour hearts, and advancehimmore in yourlives, which will be your true Ho- nour, andbakingcomfort, when all Titles and good things of the world will vanifh into nothing. And thus, commending you both,with all yours,to the grace ofourheavenlyFather, f humbly take my leave, and intreat your pardon for this my boldneffe : being Xinglïmu. Dec,' 2, 1642. Your Worf rips much obliged, W. JEMMAT.