Ephefan.r, ChapoS. V E R.Z. forth as they are mediating aetions are unimitable. 2. As one in whom the Godhead did dwell perfonally, he failed4o. dayes, he told the thoughts ofmens hearts, he did miracles. 3. The fingular fads he did in regard oftime and place.Again,he didnotfomethings which Chriffians muffdoe, that have calling thereto, as hedid not draw the fword againftheretiques, &c. but fuch things as he left himfelfe an example in, which is in gencrall,love to hisFather and men,within the compaffe of his calling,in this he mutt be followed. Learn ofme I am lowly, he wafhedhis Difciples feete, leaving an example of humi- lity , John r. 56. We therefore muff not looke what men doe, what the molt doe, the common roadwill lcade us to deftruétion, but look what Chrift did. 2. Marke, thatour love mu f be conformableto Chrifls lover the pro. perties of Chrifts love areobferved; t. It was free, not that we loved himjr(t, t loh. 4. Whenwe were enemies, Rom. 5. ro_ Te know the love of Ckrill when be was rich, be became pore for our fakes, &c. z. The loveof Chrift wasfruitful', not inword but deede, he loved us that he gave himfelfe for us. 3. It was confiant, lohn 53. t. 4. It was difcreete, he fodrew neere our nature and made himfelfc like to us,that he would not be like us in finne, which is commanded, Rom. sa. 9. Let love bewithout difimulation; hating the evill as well as cleaving to that which is good. This then lettethusfee what kinde of love we fhould beare `one to another, and this rebuketh the love of many which is a pot-friend. (hip, they love them that they can benefit themfelves by, them that will quit their curtefie, like the heathen, otherwife no penny, no Pa- ter nofter : fomany love like the dead creatures in Saint lames, Get thee cleathes, and warme thee, be. but they will not put to their helping hand, good words, court holy-water enough, no deedes of love. Many againe whofe love is fwallow-like friendfhip, they are not friends in all times and fcafons. And force through a kinde of light - neffc in them, ufe their friends like nofegaies, which longer then they are frefh, are inno reckoning. Others alfo fo love, that they are like fhadowes, which goe when we goe, (landwhen weftand, they are every thing, be it good or bad, that their friends likeof. Theheathen may flume fuch doting love, who would lettheir friendfhip goe but to the Altar , who have fer downe this the lawof love, to aske nothing that is evil', nor toyeeld to itthough intreated. Who lovedus andgave himfelfe.]Where arc q., circumftances : i. The Perfon offering. z. The thingoffered. 3. The Perfons for whom. 4. The fruire. 1. We feehere, In what the loveofChrifl sloth and,in giving him- (elfe aSacrifice for our (inne, in his death for us. Rom. 5. 8. In this God fettethout his love tous, Peeing that while we wereyet (inners, Chrift dyed for