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ER. 3. Epheftanr, Chap. 5. 583 It fhould reach us in all our offices of love, to bewilling, readyand vft. chearefull; that which is willingly done is twife done; that which is hardly wrungfrom us,doth lofe thegrace ofit before it be performed. Againe, it may be markedhere, That he that ofereth is the Sacrifice ofired; which is everywhere affirmed that the Prieft and Sacrifice in the New Teflament mull be all one : whichdoth finike offall the rabbleof the Popifh Priefthood. But this by the way. The third Confederation for wham in the Chapter beneath is more fitly difcerned. The laft thing tobe marked is : That in thefufering ofcbrifl god is wellpleated withxo ; Look as it Dori. is with us, ifour fenfe beoffended with tome flunking favour, we can- not be at quiettill force fweet thing be burnt which prevaileth above the other; fo the noyfome finell of our fin did fo move the Lord to wrath, that he would not be at rcfl, till the Tweet finell of his Sons o- bedience did come into his noftrils : It was not all the Sacrifices of Bullocks and Rams that could doe this, it is the bloody death of his deareft Son on the Croffe whichdid reconcile him to us.Col.1.2o. It pleatdtheFather by him to recöcileall thingsunto himfelf,& tofetat peace through the bloodofhis Croffe,boththings in earth, andthings inHeaven. Which doth teachus, feeing Chrift offered is the Sacrifice with fifea. which God is pleated, daily bythe eye offaith to looke toChrift, to hold out toGod, this Lambe ofhis that takethaway all our fins. Be- tides thefolemne fervice ofthe Churchofthe Jews, theyhad every morning and eveninga burnt Offering, which did fignifie our Chrift offered, that their faith might thus (till be renewed on him inwhom Godwas well pleated. Againe, it Both let us fee what is the filthy ftinke of fin in the nofe 2. of God, for thatis a ftrong ill fmell ifmighty thong things be not ap- pliedto correec it. Oh the Chine, the trayterousrebellionofman is fo vile, that nothing could putout the (tenchof it, but the fubjefionof the Son ofGod to the heavy curieof the Croffe; ftrong medicines argue firong maladies : the ftrengthof the Correftor ¡hews , that the contrary ingredients are ftrong likewife. VE R SE 3. Butfornication, and all uncleanneffe, or covetoufneje, VERSE 3, let it not once be named among yea, as it becommeth Saints. Nowhe cömeth to another dehortation from luft &covetoufneff e: In theverfe there is , r. Adehortatfon. g 2. ARcafon.That you mutt do which becommeth Saints: In the firfl part thefeiwothings mutt beopened. r. That Chriftians mutt refraine the vices here named. z. How farreforth, viz. that they muff not name them, without deteftation. For the firft, toopen them particularly. Fornication, and luft , a- gainft the feventhCommandement, is either naturali or unnatural!: this latter belongeth not to this Text. Naturall, is eitherwith - perfons aeere us inblood, or perfonsfurther off. The fir(t is inceft, nothere E c e a fpoken