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01- Epbefit ns, Chap.5. V E R.3, fpoken off. The latter is either ofpartiesTingle, or betweenefuch as both ofthem, or oneof them are married , which is adultery. Now this uncleanneffebetweene perfons which arefree frombondofmar- riage, is here forbidden and the Apofile dothevery where exprefly forbid ir, becaufe the Heathens did account of it as a thing indiffe- rent,as may begathered from the s Cor. 6.9, t o. i 8. The precepts forbidding it aremany,Atis. r 5.29. i Thef4.4. r Cor. 6.9. Now we mutt know that we may lye in this, not enely that live in thepraétice of it, but that having at any time fallen, have not rifen by repentance. This is a fearefull fanne, breake it off and flye from . it; as in the plague, they that will make lureworke, Eyebefore it. But this is a fin which will not be outwraftled, ifwe doenot run from the occafions, and byflight fave our (elves, as lofeph. And fuch as have, Beeneovertaken, but lye inimpenitencie, let them know that theyare guilty frill of their old fin. What if now they keepe them to their owne e What iftheyhave married with the partie e this may make fatisfatfion world-ward, but the finne is frill before God , till by faith and repentancethey have got the blood ofChrift fprinkling theircon- fciences, and freeing them from the guilt ofdead works; till then,thy old finne licthat the doorelike a Bandog, whether it fleep, orbark, it will never leave till it hathworried thee to deftruétion. a. Faanekanneffe, it may fìgnifieall fin , but here it is to be taken to note all inferiour filthind%rofthe fame kinde with fornication. Obferve ; That Chrifians mu/l keepe themfelves not onelyfrom more groffefwervings, but from the leaf!filthinepreefflefharfpirit. There is a double purity, a Cor.7. a. of the fpirit, or the flefh, which we muff la- bbur to preferve. Nowwhen either their owne motions of uncleanneffe like light- nings runningthroughus, though theyabide not,nor win not confent, yet it is a fpirit ofuncleanneffe tobe refitted. a. When filthy imaginations and thoughts doe fettle with us, and get aflentwithin us, this is higher contemplative filthineffe. So for the body,there is in theeye, hand, gefure,care, tongue , filthineffeis in allthefe.rowlingïookes, unchafte touchings, lafcivious behaviours, luftfull fmilings, thefe mutt be avoided. A fparkle ifit lie, maketh a greatfire; a little leavendoth run through the whole lumpe. Againe, ifwe pull not out this eye ofluft, and cut offthis handofir, (for touchings and feeing are two principal! inftruments tounclean- neffe) we fhall be all ofuscaft intohell fire. Againe, there is an uncleanneffe in married parties, out oftime;out ofmeafure, for theymay be drunken with their owne fountains , in Ludtkinde as modefty, much more Religion cannot butblitfh at. All fuch things mutt likewifebe avoidedofChriftians,they mull learneto poffeffe theirveffelsin holineffe: The fecond vice here forbidden is covetoufnefie , that which the Scripturedoth wellcall us from, for there is no vice more dangerous, nor letfe regarded : But ofthiswe 'Wafterfpeake ofin thefifthverf. Now